
30 Dramatic Cats Who Deserve An Oscar

504 points

Best Seat in the House

Cats love to curl up on the hood of cars, especially when it’s winter and the car’s radiator works as their own personal heater. While most cats will quickly get up and run away when a human approaches, this cat refused to get off and decided to go along for the ride. Either that or he fully believes he’s the cat version of Evel Knievel.


To be fair, that cat looks like he’s found the optimal position to sit in and is having a wonderful time. Or maybe he’s scared to death. Regardless, we’re sure he jumped off like Bruce Lee whenever he was good and ready.

Never Good Enough

Seasoned cat owners know that any self-respecting cat will always prefer to drink fresh water – so fresh that they usually drink straight from the faucet. This cat’s owners tried to be one step ahead and bought a small drinking fountain that always has running water, because, let’s be honest, who wants to get up 50 times a day to open the faucet for their cat?


Unfortunately, the owners’ plan failed miserably. This cat is no fool, and he knows the difference between an artificial, electrically-pumped drinking fountain, and an actual faucet. And he’s not settling for anything less.

I Swear I Didn’t Do It…

Have you ever seen a guiltier-looking cat? Because we haven’t. Maybe this kitty just sat on a pile of clean laundry that was inside that basket, or maybe its owners came home to find a disaster, but either way, it looks like he’s been caught and he can’t hide the guilt.


“What’s the matter guys? Don’t you remember that you emptied the garbage can all over the kitchen before you left?!” Yeah, nice try kitty.

Bet You Can’t Do This!

Cats are famous for their insane acrobatics – they manage to fit in tiny jars, climb crazy heights and land on their feet, etc. They’re basically tiny ninjas, but this cat took it a step further. He decided that drinking water from the faucet was way too boring, so why not do it upside-down?


As uncomfortable as this pose looks, this cat almost seems proud that he accomplished this trick. “Hey dad! I’ll bet you a can of sardines you can’t do this!”

I Thought You Were Done Eating…

It’s a known fact that cats are obsessed with boxes, and to be fair, this cat’s owners were probably planning on leaving him the empty pizza box once they were done eating. But this cat just couldn’t wait, and judging by the look on his face, he doesn’t feel one bit of remorse.


Maybe this cat’s owner was telling him off when this pic was taken, which would explain this cat’s careless expression, which seems to be saying “Oh I’m sorry, you weren’t done eating?”. Hey, at least this fur ball was considerate enough to leave three untouched slices.

Don’t Mess With Us

If we didn’t know any better we’d swear this is some kind of movie poster for “Revenge of the Kitties”. We don’t know who snapped this picture, or what they did to get stared down like this by this mother cat and her kitty, but we would advise them not to get too much closer.


This cat has definitely mastered the menacing stare-down look, and it made sure to teach it to its kitty, who would be just as frightening if he weren’t so adorably tiny.

Why is This Child in My Car Seat?

Aside from the fact that this is one of the cutest pictures in the world, this kitty’s complete lack of spacial awareness just makes this that much more perfect. We don’t know if this kitty decided he just couldn’t be away from his adorable child owner while he napped, or just managed to pick the most comfortable and cozy spot in the car, but they couldn’t look more peacefully asleep if they tried.


On the other hand, maybe this kitty refused to accept that there was a human napping on what he thought was his car seat. But hey, at least he decided to share in the end.

Cleaning is Officially Over

By now it’s pretty clear that cats are always the ones calling the shots, so why should things be any different when it comes to cleaning? This cat decided his master had spent way too much time already sweeping the house (instead of paying attention to him), and it was time to take action.


Never mind that this kitty has a perfectly comfortable cat bed right there, he decided the dust pan was good enough. Good job kitty, you got the message across AND found a comfortable place to snooze.

Better Than a Five-Star Hotel

We all know that cats are very particular, especially when it comes to food and deciding where to nap. This cat is hiding so well that, if it wasn’t for his little ear, you’d probably think it was some kind of weird, very black, exotic food on top of the paper towel pile.


But no, it is in fact, a cat that decided he was going to roll out half the paper towel roll into a nice little pile, a.k.a makeshift bed, so he could have a nice, cozy nap.

The Gravity-defying Cat

Apparently, this cat wasn’t satisfied with his regular feline abilities, so he decided he’d try to defy gravity instead. And it looks like he succeeded.

We don’t know what’s going on here – if this cat magically latched on to the knob that turns this into a pull-out couch, if there was an invisible piece of string holding him, or if he has superglue on his paws – but this is definitely an impressive sight. The real pressing question here is, what was this cat actually trying to do?

Don’t Come Any Closer!

You can tell that this cat wasn’t very happy about seeing the camera in the first place. But once it started to move towards him, he looked even more upset. His poor eyes give him the whole deer caught in the headlights look, and he genuinely looks frightened.

Alamy Stock Photo

But no matter how crazy his facial expressions may be, he’s still pretty adorable. It’s hard to tell if his fur got any fluffier due to the fear because he’s got such a large amount of fluff already. He has to, to be able to hang out outside where it snows that much!

Don’t Even Try It

This grey tabby cat’s face is a great example of a “sour puss.” It looks like he’s been given something to eat that he’s really not a fan of. He’s trying to get the taste out of his mouth, but so far, he’s been unsuccessful, so he’s bathing to try and wipe it away instead.


Or maybe, his owner is trying to get him to eat something that he remembers being terrible from his past. In either case, he looks disgusted by whatever he’s thinking about. Give the poor cat some Gravy Train so he can get over it!

Unhand Me, Hairless Ape!

Cats are finicky about how they want to be handled. Sometimes, they’ll jump in your lap and purr and rub against you until you pet them. Then, they’ll bump your hand with their head until you start again when you stop. But God help you if you pet them for 3 seconds too long. They can go from happy to hissy in less time, and your fingers better beware!


This human broke the cardinal rule and went to pet the stomach. You never pet the stomach. Not unless you know that your kitty likes it. That’s like, one of the first rules of living with cats. Better leave the kitty alone and wait until she comes to you, instead!

Help Meow-t!

This kitty’s owners are using him to teach their other two cats an important lesson. Since they’re always running out, they decided to let this little guy stay out on this rainy day. You know how much cats love water! He’ll probably think twice about bolting out the door next time. And, so will the other two…


Although, leaving the cat outside for too long in the rain and mud could have meant bad, bad things for the furniture in the house. Hell, he could get mud all over everything – kitchen counters, beds, etc. Hopefully, they wiped his feet off when they let him back inside!

Curses, Foiled Again!

Most cats really don’t like going on car trips – unless they’ve been doing it regularly since they were a kitten and you take them somewhere that they actually want to be. Most of time, cats only end up in cars to head to the vet, and they’ve caught on to it, too. This cat has been going to the park with his human for years, hence the leash, but that’s not where he was headed today.


He got tricked into coming because he thought he was going to go chase some birds. But really, it was time for his booster shots and checkup, so into the carrier he went. He’s not going to forget this, either. Well, not until next time anyways!

But I’m The Baby!

This cat used to get all of the attention that he wanted, whenever he demanded it from his owners. But one day, they brought home this tiny human and now it gets all of the attention. Just like any jealous second sibling that’s still a child themselves, he threw a temper tantrum. “What is this thing and why is it getting my pets?”


But if the cat were any threat to the kid, they wouldn’t let him get so close in the first place. They know the kitty will warm up to his new brother over time. Let’s just hope that it’s sooner than later so he doesn’t have to bear any more teeth!

I’m Melting!

All cat owners know the joy that comes along with bathing a cat. They just love water so much! Just kidding. This cat is the poster child for all cats being put in the bath by their owners. It’s like they think the water is going to hurt them or something. It’s amazing they were even able to get this shot because you know there were claws flying all over the place!


He’s probably thinking, “Get your hands off of me, human! How dare you treat me like a child? I am 8 years old, sir, that’s like 40 in your years.” The ironic thing is, they all go bathe themselves again the moment after they charge out of the bathroom. You can almost hear the howling going on in the room, too.

Let Me Show You My Shocked Face

This picture is more questionable than it is funny. Why does the cat look so horrified? That’s not a regular expression that cats make…in any situation. It almost looks as though something is flying towards him through the air, too. Could it be that something broke right next to him and freaked him out?


Of course, maybe this cat is just an actor who’s practicing for an upcoming vacuum commercial. “That’s it, kitty, you’re scared, work it! You can’t call cut for a snack break every 5 minutes, okay? Let’s focus, here.”

Evil Eye

Whoever is behind the camera of this picture is in big, big trouble. This cat looks like he’s had enough of his owner’s shenanigans. Perhaps they’ve been following him around with a camera all day and he’s signaling that this is his last one – or else. Whatever they’ve done to make him mad, they’d better hope they’ve got a cup of salmon treats to make it right!


The key to any cat forgiving you is in the treats. But it’s easier if you just try to stay on their good side. After all, would you want this face staring at you from across your kitchen table? Okay, maybe. But not when it looks like he’s upset with you!

Chip Off the Old Block

A lot of people probably relate to the way this cat is feeling. It’s almost New Year’s, which means everyone his talking about their weight loss resolutions again. Your mom asks you if that’s yours this year, for the 20th year in a row. But rather than caving in, you head to the store to pick up a few snacks.


The cat was headed for the produce section, really, but he got distracted by the shiny Doritos bags. Let’s face it, no one really wants to eat celery over chips. Do they? Well, he obviously doesn’t.

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Cats are known for being indecisive when it comes to whether or not they want to be inside or outside. They’ll dance around the door for hours if you let them, poking their head out, but half of their body remains inside. Well, this cat ended up making the wrong decision on this rainy day.


Luckily for him, this happened on a weekend rather than one of the morning’s his owners left for work. Except his fur mom wasn’t very happy with him for running out that day, so she decided to snap this pic before letting him back in the house. Hey, you made the choice, kitty! Maybe he’ll remember this the next time he feels like slipping under mom’s feet to run outside.

Get Your Paws Off That Ice Cream!

“Don’t you dare touch my Ben & Jerry’s!”. This orange kitty has had enough, it can put up with his food being served a minute late, with the water bowl not being absolutely fresh, with the dog hanging around…but someone taking his ice cream?! That’s where he draws the line! And hey, Ben & Jerry even wrote it across their ice cream tub: “Everything But the…”


This is definitely one of the best-timed photos on this list! We don’t know exactly how this one was snapped, but it turned out so perfect that it almost seems as if the owners decided to get some props (i.e. the Ben & Jerry’s tub), get them in the frame and wait for kitty to do a big yawn or meow. Whatever they did, they nailed it!

Saved Kitty

This poor cat’s home was engulfed in flames and completely destroyed in a fire. But things could be worse, because at least he made it out of there alive, thanks to the help of these brave and kindhearted firefighters. He doesn’t exactly look thrilled to be leaving his house, though. But what cat would be?


Cats don’t like change, and this fluffy little fella had been through a lot in a short period of time. And it’s not like they had time to find his carrier so that he’d be comfortable on the ride out. Hopefully, his owner was safely waiting for him by the truck with arms wide open!

Don’t Leave Me, Human!

Although cats don’t really show it quite as much as dogs do, they miss their humans when they go off to work, too. But while dogs will paw at your feet and whine for you stay, cats mostly just eye you disapprovingly from afar until you return with their dinner. Except this cat wasn’t about to let his owner leave him again for the 2nd time in the same day, so he tried something a bit extreme.


As soon as his human opened the door, he ran out and threw himself under the tire of their car and started meowing like crazy. The kitty probably wouldn’t have acted that way had he known his person was only trying to go and pick up some more cat food. Oh, the horror!

Don’t Come Any Closer or Else

This is not a happy kitty. From the looks of things, she’s actually an extremely angry feline at the moment. It makes you wonder what her owners did to make her so upset. Could it be that she got locked outside and missed lunchtime?


Whatever they’ve done, they’ve got some serious making up to do. May we suggest a stinky, salmon-y cat treat? She’ll at least forgive you for a few minutes while she’s eating it. And maybe just keep them coming.

Woe Is Me

This guy’s cat hates when he’s playing games on the computer. He threw himself on top of the keyboard and gave him the belly. Just look how dramatic he’s being about the whole thing! And since no one can resist petting the cat, he went for it. But he completely forgot that he was in the middle of a campaign when it happened – a long one.

Is the cat happy he caused his owner’s avatar to get shot so he could get his belly rubbed? Meh, he probably doesn’t care. As long as his hands are there in real life to open tuna cans, scratch his chin and refill the water, he’s content.

Does Not Compute

This cat had been an only child for most of his life, when one day, his owners graced him with the presence of this odd being. He wasn’t sure what exactly it was at first, the baby kind of resembled his mom and dad, but it was much smaller and unable to move around on its own. You can tell how confused he is by the look on his face.


What do you suppose crosses a cat’s mind when he sees a tiny human for the first time? You can probably guarantee that one of those thoughts is something like, is this going to have any time of effect on my feeding or cuddle time? Because if so, I am so not okay with this, people. Just wait until the kid starts to grow, he’ll probably be even more confused then.

How Dare You?

If you’ve ever owned cats before, you’re probably aware that when it comes to bath time – they are not big fans. Most cats will hiss and scratch until the cows come home when you put them in the tub. After all, cats are capable of bathing themselves, so unless they’ve gotten into something and are especially dirty or have gotten fleas and need a flea bath, it isn’t necessary to bathe them.

Getty Images Photo by DebbiSmirnoff

This poor kitty tipped the trash over and got covered in chocolate syrup, so it was into the tub with him. But even though he may have needed the bath time, he was not happy about the entire situation. His face says, “if you ever do this again, I’m going to tear your favorite sweater into bits and pieces with my claws.”

Tearing It Up

Sometimes, a cat just has to let out some steam by attacking something. In the worst-case scenario, it means watch your back (or your toes.) In the best-case scenario, it means that your cat’s actually going to use their scratching post for scratching, rather than your couch and reclining chair!


This cat’s human bought him this little gem after their furniture was torn to shreds when they’d leave him alone during the day. Finally, they got wise and bought a scratching post. So even if it seems like he’s stressed out, at least he’s taking it out properly!

Up, Up and Into the Door

This cat’s owners didn’t open the sliding glass doors for her at the moment that she first appeared in front of them. So, she decided to try something to get their attention. She got a running start and flung herself into the screen. Then, she latched on with her claws and meowed until someone came and found her. It probably didn’t take very long!


At least her owners found her in time, because just a few minutes later and she may have gotten hurt. Plus, her claws would have torn through the screen. But hey, mission accomplished, kitty!

Disco Dancing

Look at this cat go! He’s not only dancing on top of the table, he’s actually standing on a plate and using it as a platform. Maybe the Meow Mix commercial came on and he’s so excited he just couldn’t contain himself.


This guy was probably trying to catch a moth that had flown in and was circling the light. But it’s awesome that he looks like he’s dancing. You go, groovy disco kitty, get your groove on!

I’ve Seen Some Things, Man

This cat has been through it, all of it, and then back through it a few more times again. He’s trying to process all of the barking, the bathing and his humans ignoring him when he craves attention at 3 am every morning. He’s not going back there. He’ll do whatever it takes to avoid that situation – until dinner time, of course.

Getty Images Photo by Nico De Pasquale Photography

He’s just going to rough it out here in the park for the next couple of hours. No matter all of the dogs roaming around, he’s going to take his chances. He’s a strong, independent cat after all.

Holding Hands

Life in the animal shelter can be tough on a cat. They ‘re very territorial creatures, so they don’t like being so close to so many other cats that they didn’t grow up with. But sometimes, they hit it off with each other and make friends. These two cats have obviously started playing to keep each other company.


Let’s hope the people working there tried to get people to adopt them as a package deal! Animals are capable of forming bonds just like humans, so it would be just like you and your best friend growing up together in the same neighborhood. Or maybe that was just a sweet “goodbye” fist bump because one of them had been adopted that day. We’re sure they’re fine either way, considering how adorable they both are!

Let’s Get It!

These two cat siblings were on a mission to catch a moth that had flown in through an open door. It teased them and taunted them, flying around near the ceiling lights. The closest they could get to their prey was by standing on this chair, so they did. They stood there and watched and waited. And the expression on the cat on the right’s face tells you how excited he was about catching it.

They probably got bored and gave up not long after. After all, cats never catch the bugs when you want them to. They’re great at catching things when you don’t, though!

Click, Click, Flash

Cats are notorious for disapproving of people with a stern glance. Sometimes, from across a room and other times, it’s your neighbor’s cat looking at you through your sliding glass door. But this cat had a good reason to be upset with his person – she took him in the car – and he did not look happy.


The dog looks ecstatic to be going along for a car ride, but the cat, not so much. If looks could kill, we’d all probably be dead from looking at this picture. This cat should get an award for the most piercing cat stare in the world.

No, Thank You Very Much

This cat’s sneer says that she sees something she wants absolutely nothing to do with. It’s almost reminiscent of a young woman in a bar being offered a drink by some creepy guy that’s been hitting on her all night long. She doesn’t want your drink, buddy, back off! Just because she’s wearing a little pink heart necklace doesn’t mean it’s okay for you to invade her personal space.


Maybe the neighbor’s dog got into her yard again. This kitty obviously isn’t amused, and she’s not afraid to show it. Hopefully, the dog’s feelings weren’t hurt too badly by the icy cold glare, but hey, he should have stayed in his own yard!

Blair Witch Kitty

Even if you haven’t seen The Blair Witch Project yourself, you’ve probably seen all of the commercials, or a parody of it. And, even if you haven’t – this cat has, because he’s decided to reenact the creepy face-in-corner scene. And actually, those are some pretty good acting skills!


Maybe he’s messing with his humans to get back at them for combing him earlier. After all, he knows how terrified they are of the film – they all watched it together. Brace for the jump scare, people!

Help! I’m Stuck!

Sometimes cats like to squeeze themselves into tiny spaces. Okay, cats like to squeeze themselves into tiny spaces all of the time. Today, this little girl happened to stumble upon the wastebasket and thought, “that looks comfortable!”


She wasn’t planning on getting stuck, though, and she wasn’t very happy when it started to roll. Finally, she threw in the towel and decided to take a nap. She knew her owner would come to the rescue sooner or later. And she was right, but before she was rescued, they made sure to snap this photo!

Dreaming of Fish

It’s kind of amazing that this cat fell asleep at the foot of the bed when they usually try to be right on the pillow. But, he did, and it looks like he’s having some pretty great dreams. The way his claws are outstretched makes it seem like he’s dreaming of being on the hunt.


They probably took this pic in the nick of time, because chances are that if he rolled over, he fell off of the bed and woke himself up. But look how adorable those little toes, even if he does think he’s using them to murder something on occasion.

You Did What?!

Never has any living being been as shocked as this kitty. Perhaps her owner is just breaking the news that they made an appointment for the vet, or even worse, they decided to adopt a dog.


This fluffy cat can’t believe her ears, and it seems she’s having a tough time accepting the news, whatever it is. We suspect this is going to take some pretty fancy treats to fix.

Let’s Ride, Homies

Could this picture be any more perfect? Between the dog’s face and the cat’s face, it looks like a scene straight out of the most awesome animal saves the day film in the history of entertainment. Where could this trio possibly be going, and why do they look so shocked about it? Well, the cat looks shocked, the dog looks more like he’s being slightly inconvenienced.


Maybe their fur father is taking them for a trip to the vet, which would explain the sour faces. It makes it even funnier that the guy has basically the same expression as his dog, too. The cat looks like his eyes are about to pop out of his head, though.

I Can’t Go on Like This

Sometimes, a cat’s life is just way too stressful. They only got 16 hours of sleep, instead of their full 18, the food dish wasn’t full to the brim and the dog kept chasing them around the living room. This cat had enough the day this picture was taken.


To confuse the dog and avoid having to run around any circles or jump on countertops to get away, he decided to try and outsmart his canine counterpart by playing dead. It worked, because the dog got bored without the cat running away and gave up. Plus, he fell asleep like that and made up for those 2 extra hours.

I Won’t Let Go!

This cat looks like she’s having a bad day. All she wanted to do was sleep soundly and in peace, curled up in a little ball on the top of the couch. But when her owner came through the front door and scared her, she fell off the back and was left grasping on for dear life…okay, or so she thought.


The entire scene is very reminiscent of the infamous ‘Titanic’ scene where Jack is clutching onto the floating debris after the ship has sunk. With how dramatic the cat is being, you’d think she was in a similar situation. Two minutes later, the owner unhooked her claws and she fell an entire 6 inches to the floor! What a tragedy, the poor thing…

Little Kitty Pull-Ups

Cats – especially kittens – love to climb. If you have a cat in your home, a little bit of vertical space to move and groove is something they’re bound to appreciate. But if you don’t have a lot of space, you might be wondering what you can do to give them something to climb. Well, how about a screen door, like we see in this picture?


Whether this cat saw a really cool bug that it wanted to investigate, or there’s a fence that it’s been yearning to see over, most screen doors are pretty easy for smaller cats to climb. It also looks like the cat is in the midst of a pull-up routine, especially thanks to that definition.

So That’s How You Do It

What is this orange tabby so interested in? Well, the story goes that whenever this woman steps inside her shower to wash off, this cat jumps up on the counter and keeps a close eye on the proceedings. Who knows why – cats will do lots of stuff that makes zero sense to us humans.


Was this cat trying to figure out the big wet box? Wondering where the human’s fur went? Trying to save it from the horrible water? It looks incredibly worried, no matter what’s going through its head. Odds are it’s just waiting for her to get out and feed it, though.

A Purrfect Place to Get Some Warmth

While we could try to be really cute and say that these adorable kitties are covering the keyboard so their owner had to play with them, we know what’s really going on here. A nice hot keyboard attached to a nice, hot computer, that has most likely had a pair of nice, hot hands resting on it.

Flickr Photo by Mr Thinktank

These kitties are trying to stay toasty on what might be a cold night. Also, check out the location of the laptop – it’s resting on the ground. That sort of location is perfect for a couple of growing cats, but a pretty tough place for a human to get any work done.

I’m Not Going to Bless You

There are plenty of reasons why this cat might be looking at its owner with a face of disgust. Didn’t get out of bed, said something strange, wouldn’t let it have any human food, didn’t feed it fast enough – fed it too fast, even. Cats are so picky.


Actually, it was none of those – the reason this cat is furrowing its furred brow is that the owner had to sneeze. Depending on how you sneeze, it can get pretty loud, so no wonder this cat was displeased.

Micromanaging Mini-Bosses

If the boss is looking over your shoulder, you’d better be working hard. If you have two bosses on your desk at all times, you’re going to be under a lot of pressure, but hopefully, you’ll still meet your deadlines. However, it looks like these middle managers are less interested in the finished quarterly reports and more interested in the little moving thing that’s in the center of the spreadsheet.


Maybe if they’re quick enough, they can kill it, and their owner will have to cuddle with them. Sorry cats, better luck next time – that’s one mouse that isn’t going to be so easy to trap.

You Need More Lunch Meat

For a lot of cats, a refrigerator is a place of wonder and mystery. It’s cold – plenty cold – and it has all kinds of amazing smells inside it. Meat, cheese, milk, eggs, butter, and lots of other good stuff is there for the taking, as long as they could get the door open.


This cat has finally broken the barrier into the realm of human food, but it didn’t have the time to start chowing down before it was discovered. Sorry, little guy. Don’t look so shocked, but you’re going to have to make do with the canned stuff that lands in your bowl every night.

Uh…This Isn’t My Litter Box!

Cats have a pair of expressions. That’s right, just two. Angry and surprised. This one seems to be getting pretty close to the middle of the range, but it’s definitely leaning toward surprise. There’s a little bit of “you aren’t supposed to catch me doing this” energy there, too, to drag it toward the angry side.


Maybe the cat was just trying to get into its food, or maybe it was investigating all the fun smells. Either way, it got caught red-pawed, and now it’s trying to shift the blame onto the human taking the picture.

Kinda How We Look, Too

Greek yogurt is a wonderful thing – humans and cats alike agree. Unfortunately, cats having too much of it can make a mess or even some health issues, which means they should be kept away. This gal learned not to leave her Greek yogurt out where her adorable cat could get it, but at least it’s pretty easy to see if the cat has gotten in.


A face covered in yogurt usually makes the trail of evidence pretty easy to follow. Then again, that’s how we look after we’re done eating our portion of Greek yogurt.

Your Tree Means Nothing to Me

Anybody who puts up a Christmas tree and also has a cat in the home knows that the two go together like bug spray and eyeballs. Ouch. At the very least, you have to hang the correct ornaments above where the cat can get them. The most destructive felines will not rest until the holiday flora is all but destroyed, and this gray cat is one example of that.


Apparently, it knocked all the ornaments off and then hit the owner with this face, which seems to ask if that’s all that they have to offer.

You Shouldn’t Have

It’s a little tough to see what’s going on in this picture, but it’s a simple explanation. Cats love themselves a nice, fresh box, and that’s exactly what this cat is getting. It’s being presented with a new box to lie in and make its own. There are a few things that a cat enjoys more. That’s why they’re so excited on Christmas morning – it isn’t all the people or the wrapping paper.


It’s the brand new cardboard boxes. Big ones, small ones, long ones, square ones. You can make an entire cat environment out of all those boxes. They’ll love it.

Don’t Lean Back!

They’re made to bend in a certain way, but they can really bend in any direction they want and be fine, such as in this picture. A one-hundred-and-eighty-degree bend in the spine, a curve to the side, an arm stuck inside the chair and the second pressed against that person’s back, and we don’t doubt that the cat is absolutely fine and just wants some attention.


As long as the person sitting in the chair doesn’t scootch back, this is little more than just another silly cat picture. Hopefully, the cat can get its arm out of there.

You Said You Would Stop Buying Board Games

We all like playing a little bit of “Cosmic Encounter,” but if you have a house full of board games and you never actually play them, we’ll give you the same face as the cat. The arm on the chair’s armrest and the long, dangling leg make this cat’s stank face even more critical.


There’s something about a cat’s narrow eyes that makes them so wonderfully disdainful whenever a cat catches you doing something it doesn’t like. Which, most of the time, is whatever you happen to be doing that isn’t giving your cat the perfect amount of attention.

Cheaper Than the Patch

For some reason, this tiny, adorably black kitty is all about gathering the household’s lighters and keeping them for itself. Is it trying to tell its owner something? Maybe it’s trying to get in with the cool cats that spend their nights in the alley next door. Kittens love to chase things, but collecting things is another matter – and collecting lighters specifically has got to be one-of-a-kind.


Goodness gracious, this cat looks so adorable, it would be hard to say no to those big, dopey eyes and the featureless mass of black fur around them. Might have to get some more, actually.

A Little Bit of Personality

Every baker wants to inject a little bit of him or herself into whatever they bake, but this is going a step too far. Actually, it looks like it’s three steps too far. This is bad mostly because cats don’t know how to wash their hands before they help with the food preparation, and also they walk in their toilets. Yeah, they can groom themselves, but that probably won’t cut it.


On the other paw, this looks to be the bottom layer of crust, which means at least the evidence will be pretty easy to hide, and it’s also going to be baked in the oven – maybe that will get rid of all the germs.

Any Port in a Storm, Any Bed for a Tired Cat

One of the most famous feline facts out there is that cats can and will sleep anywhere they choose to lay down their fuzzy heads. This includes, apparently, a little girl’s dollhouse, and the tiny four-poster bed that is inside the master bedroom. We can’t really blame it – that cat looks tuckered out.


It’s like after a night of fun with your friends, and you’re all just on half couches and sleeping in dining room chairs and curled on the floor. Why the cat would choose this instead of a real chair or something like that is beyond us. Maybe it knows something.

A Purchase Gone to Waste

As we all know, cats love to sleep. It’s been said that they sleep in one form or another for anywhere between twelve and sixteen hours of the day. They pick any soft surface or warm area to catch a catnap. And it’s going to change every single time they need to get some shuteye, which means getting them a special bed is going to be a purchase that might not pan out the way you imagine it.


Like in this picture, where the cat has decided that it would rather sleep in a Chipotle bag than a big fluffy bed with room to stretch.

Banana-Cat Loaf

It doesn’t matter how many places you have in your home for your cat – there are always going to be more. For instance, maybe a cat wants to squeeze itself into a loaf pan that you’ve prepared for the oven. This is a problem for a few reasons.


The first one is that it makes that loaf pan dirty, and you have to wash it again. The second is that it teaches the cat there might be fun stuff up there on the kitchen counter. If you’re trying to make something special, you don’t want cats getting in your way.

Sometimes You Need Some Privacy

It doesn’t matter how many places you give your cat to sleep in – it will find one you didn’t expect. In this picture, this fuzzy cat has decided to curl up for a nap inside a wok that is on top of the refrigerator. It seems to have the right size for this fuzzy friend, and you know cats love a circle.


This is also a bonus because it keeps the wok from getting greasy as it’s up there out of the way. You’ll still have to clean it, obviously. Cats walk around inside their litterbox. That’s dirty.

Making the Best of a Bad Situation

If you’ve brought a pot to bed, it means one of two things. The first is that you just made some bomb mac and cheese and you want to combine all of life’s best things – naps and pasta. The other option is you ate way too much pasta, and you brought the pot to bed in case it makes a second appearance.


No matter which one it is, you can bet that your cat will use it as a handy bed to cuddle up next to you. Why do cats love little areas like pots or boxes so much? Science should get on that.

Just Don’t Pull Too Hard

Like a short person going up to the bar, this kitty needed a better look at everything that was going on. As long as this cat doesn’t pack on too many pounds, it should be fine. Cats love to watch fish swim around – it’s the perfect activity for them. They’re attracted to motion, and that’s pretty much everything that fish do. They just swim around.


For a young kitten that is still learning how everything works, this is exactly what they want. Just make sure to give the cat in your household something they can use to sit on to watch the fishies swim around.

Can a Cat Get a Pretzel?

Cats love cat food. They also love human food. Really, they just love all food, even if it isn’t good for them. We can’t really imagine a cat being excited to eat a pretzel, but here we are. It was probably going for a cheese puff, which is the superior choice by far.


Of course, it probably doesn’t care which one it gets, it just wants something to put in its belly. Maybe go put some of your own food in your belly, mooch. These are my snacks.

Going for the Gold

The world is in agreement: pizza is the best. In fact, it’s regularly voted as the world’s favorite food in international polls, followed closely by pasta. The Italians really got things figured out. If you combine cheese and lots of carbs and oil, of course, it’s going to be good. It’s even good for cats. Flavor-wise, anyway.


Cats probably shouldn’t eat too much pizza or they won’t be able to do cat things. Still, that isn’t going to stop your furry friends from reaching for a slice while your back is turned. Maybe a little bit is fine as a treat, but that would also encourage begging.

Just Need to Jot Something Down

Pens are extremely useful for humans. We’re using one to scribe this article on ancient parchment right now! But are they useful for cats? Not really. Not unless they’ve figured out how to write without anybody noticing. And yet this little cat is reaching an adorable paw up to grab its owner’s pen.


Is this a ploy to get more playtime? Is it going for the thing that keeps moving just beyond its reach? There’s a sliver of a finger holding on to the other end of the pen in the bottom-right corner of the photo, so it seems like this might be some playtime before getting back to work.

Getting the Best of Gavin

Gavin Free, of the Slow Mo Guys and Rooster Teeth Productions, has a cat that is almost as silly as he is. But Gavin Free is a thinking human – there’s no way that his cat could defeat him in a test of minds, right? RIGHT?! This picture comes from when Mr. Free was trying to give his cat a bath.


He knew his cat wouldn’t like this, so Mr. Free removed his shorts. In order to not get them wet. He left the bathroom, and then returned to find that his cat was keeping warm by sitting on his shorts. As you can imagine, this resulted in them getting wet.

Climbing Cats Cause Chaos

Cats love to climb, which is why people get those fuzzy cat trees. For some reason, just horizontal space isn’t enough for these creatures. Give them verticals or they’ll come up with their own things to climb, and that often includes things you really don’t want them to sink their claws into.


Let’s take this picture, as an example: the cat seems to have climbed the door, reached the top, and then jumped over to the ceiling fixture. Those are often shaped like bowls, so of course, the cat takes a seat. This could not only break the fixture itself, but also the ceiling above it.

Far Too Pleased With Itself

Why does this cat look so happy? Does it know the next winning lottery numbers? Has it predicted rain? Is it because it just got to munch down on a big collection of corn muffins? It’s probably the last one. Some cats just love making a mess, and this cute gray tabby is part of that set.


It snatched a bag of corn muffins off the counter and there was no way it was going to let a simple plastic bag keep it from its prize. Cats will do anything they can to get at some delicious carby goodness, including theft and destruction.

Why I Oughta…

There are some cats that you should just let be. This one, for instance. It’s very small and fluffy, and that makes it the perfect choice for giving it some head pets, but it looks like it’s woken up on the wrong side of the bed. The feline fist is upraised as if to deliver the petter a well-deserved uppercut, but we doubt there would be much force behind it.


Those steely gray eyes don’t mix well with the slightly stuck-out tongue, giving this cat a very cartoonish quality. We’re sure that eventually, it will grow into its features, but right now it’s just too adorably mad not to pet.

I Found My New Favorite Space!

Looks like this cat has been hitting the sauce. The off-kilter ears, the odd leg angles, and the general destruction everywhere around it have all the hallmarks of a night on the town with the boys. Or girls, maybe. The story that was included with this picture said that the owner woke up to find this mess, which means the cat had all night to cause destruction.


In that case, we almost want to give the cat a hand – it was rather subdued in its mess. A few items knocked over, a bag of goldfish crackers spilled, and that’s about it.

I Win

Well, I guess that’s the end of that Scrabble game. Cats are infamous for their ability to land in the center of a table and send game pieces, puzzle pieces, or dice flying in every direction. This one decided to take a lesson from one of the words on the board and pop a squat right in the center of the action.


Even if the owners can get the cat to leave, we doubt that this pretty black kitty will leave the pieces under it undisturbed. Guess you’ll just have to start over.

I’ve Got a Genie for You

So you and your friend want to spend a quiet evening putting together a puzzle. Sounds like a good time. Your cat, of course, refuses to go along with your plans, which is how we get pictures like this one. Cats are built out of paradoxes: when you want to pet them, they run away.


While you’re working on something, they’ll sit right in front of you. Keyboards, paintings, homework, and puzzles are all fair game for the cat that wants to have a seat. Get out of the way and let us finish this magic carpet ride, bub.

Working, Huh? Didn’t Think So

Look, man, we both know you aren’t doing anything important on this laptop. Imgur? Seriously? Why don’t you just knock yourself unconscious for the next eight hours – at least then you might be well-rested. Or, here’s a thought, maybe you could go outside? You know, where the big yellow light is, and those green things with the birds in them? Just a suggestion. One you should maybe listen to.


I know I’m way more fabulous than you, so maybe you should pay attention to some of my advice. You’re not doing anything on this computer that you need to do.

Don’t Get Any Closer, I’ll Bite

The guy in the bed next to it seems like he would rather have the light off for a few more hours, but sometimes stuff has to happen. Like someone has to take a picture of a cat that is ready to bed down for the night on a fresh, white pillow. It’s squared up like a bulldog that has been tasked with keeping a little kid safe.


The separation between the front paws really makes it look goofy, though. Alright now, get off my pillow. Mama has to get some shuteye and you have to run around for a few hours.

Am I Helping?

Young kittens love a couple of different things. They love warm places, cuddles, and being around the person that adopted them. Thus, if someone is trying to work with a laptop in front of them, there’s no better place for a little fuzzball than on that laptop’s keyboard. This, of course, makes it a little difficult for the person with the laptop to get anything of any importance done, but it’s not like the cat cares about that.


Spreadsheets? Emails? Invoices? It all comes second to a cat that needs some pets. Unfortunately, bosses usually won’t accept this picture as a reason why a report is late.

The Family Power Dynamic

In every household, there is a dynamic. Mothers and fathers at the top, then kids, then it’s pets. Usually, anyway. Once you get down into the pets area, things start to get really murky. Maybe there’s a big dog that will rule the floor, or maybe a young kitten will dominate everything it wants, like in this picture.


The little cat wants to take a nap on the dog’s nice, big, fluffy bed? Well, some dogs aren’t going to have it in them to complain. They might not even notice something is being taken from them. This dog looks like it knows, however.

Just Trying to Fit In

Tetris isn’t a very hard game to pick up and play, even if the experts are wildly good at it. Look, even cats know how to play. It looks like this feline gamer has over-rotated the T piece, however, and gotten stuck in a place that will require a little extra work to clear out.


The cat’s face looks quite pleased with itself, for some reason – maybe it finally got a knot out of its back, and this was the only way to do it. As long as you don’t get stuck and start crying to us.

Maxed and Relaxed

Cats are normally pretty compact – they’re usually curled up on a couch cushion or coiled up, ready to spring at a pair of passing ankles. Sometimes, however, they can display their maximum length. This cat is catching some rays and getting some Zs at the same time, stretched out on a deck railing.


Even smaller cats have a lot more length to them than people might realize, what with a long, stretchy spine and long back legs. There’s a reason that long cats have become so popular – they’re really fun to look at.

Still From the Next “Alien” Movie

Cats are like putty. They can stretch and twist into almost any shape that they want, and this picture is a great way to demonstrate it. If not for the eyes and ears on the head, most people would have a lot of trouble figuring out which end is which, and which limb is which. Even with the head, it’s not so easy.


At first glance, we thought that the back legs and tail were the two front legs. This twisty little creature is having a nice long stretch, and also it’s in the bathtub for some reason. Not a place cats usually like to hang out.

It’s Like It WANTS to Cause Trouble

Ah, yes. A delicious cake that is meant for human mouths and not cat hindquarters. But what if the company cat, Allie, wants to sit on it, even though we want to eat it? Simple – we’ll put it where Allie could never get to it and hang a sign on the snack dispenser to drive the point home.


Allie was determined to sit on that cake, no matter where it was and what kind of signage was added. Some cats are peculiar, just like humans, and maybe this cat just has a jonesing for sitting on store-bought birthday cakes. There have been weirder cats.

A Split Second of Guilt

Well well, look what we have here. A cat caught in the act of tearing up a shower curtain. We get it – sometimes we want to tear up a shower curtain, too, and we’re humans. This little guy was going mad, using those sharp claws and teeth to wreak terrible vengeance on the curtain, when a human with a camera appeared.


The cat froze, shocked that someone had witnessed its time of fury, and then it dove right back into the destruction, jumping up to tear more holes. A good punishment might be turning on the shower, but then the floor would get all wet.

If They Never Finish, I Can Nap in Peace

A couple of people were working on putting together a puzzle, and they had the nightmare scenario happen – they couldn’t find the very last piece. They spent ten minutes scouring the table, the box, the floor around the table, and the immediate area until they finally discovered the final piece.


The cat had nabbed it, and it was in those furry paws as the cat slept deeply. Why this cat would steal a single puzzle piece and cuddle with it is up to you. Maybe it just wanted to make sure the humans took a good long time.

There’s a Hair in Your Salad

We’re all aware that cats like to take naps in any kind of container they can find, but this is kind of ridiculous. A cat jumped up onto the kitchen counter, found a container of mixed salad, and settled in for a nap. And it looks like it’s been there for some time, too – the lettuce is pressed down, and the cat has filled up the interior.


If you have a cat – or any pet, really – you know that you have to protect the food that you leave on the counter, and this is a pretty good example of why.

The Diet Isn’t Going Well

So your cat is overweight. It happens. A lot, actually. Cats can become pretty sedentary, which means they aren’t burning off enough calories. They get bigger, and you, as a responsible cat owner, start reducing food. Calories in, and calories out, just like for humans. Of course, it doesn’t always work out the way you want, which is why this little hellion has trashed the place and is screaming for food.


Look at you, buddy. You’re bigger around than you are long. You aren’t going to get any extra food. And stay away from those cigarette butts, too, that stuff isn’t healthy either.

Really One of the Most Outstanding Cat Faces Ever

Cats love to gnaw and claw on things. This we know and have known for many, many years. One thing that often attracts them is plastic things, like wires and cords. In this picture, an owner is demanding satisfaction from a destroyed pair of earbuds.


The cat, of course, doesn’t seem to get a grip and is pulling an absolutely fantastic face to make that point known. It’s like the faces that all the Dreamworks characters pull on the posters for their movies. Yeah, I’m here and ready to cause some chaos – better get used to it.

A Combo Toy and Snack

Unlike how austere and sharp they look, cats are beings of pure chaos and destruction. If you have plants, they’ll be upended, which is why these people decided to hang a plant from the light fixture – to keep the cat away. You can see how well that worked (not very).


However, they were able to get a picture, which means they now have evidence for the ensuing lawsuit. Pawsuit, when it comes to pets. Sorry. An adventurous cat won’t let a little bit of distance come between it and some fun, especially when cats are so good at jumping.

Oh, Sorry. Was That Yours?

The old saying goes that if a cat fits, a cat sits. It’s usually used for containers like boxes or bags or things like that, but it apparently also goes for breakfasts. We guess a piece of toast with cream cheese and…also regular cheese will be relatively soft. Perfect for a cat butt.


Of course, after this picture was taken, the person who was hoping to eat that breakfast has no other thing to do but throw it out – you don’t exactly want to eat that now that you know what has been on it. Kitty litter doesn’t taste very good, anyway.

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