Horse gives birth to foal – the vet sees it, he says ‘that’s not a foal’
Calling the vet
The Johnsons immediately called the local veterinarian, Dr. Thompson, who rushed to the farm as fast as possible. He had been the Johnsons’ trusted vet for many years and knew Daisy well. When he arrived, he was greeted by an anxious Mr. Johnson, who led him to Daisy’s stall. Dr. Thompson arrived at Daisy’s stall and quickly assessed her condition. He could tell she was in labor and that the foal’s arrival was imminent. Mrs. Johnson was baffled.
No stallion had been in the same stall or even the same meadow as Daisy, so how could she have fallen pregnant? Dr. Thompson had seen this kind of thing before, and he knew that a mare could become pregnant without the presence of a stallion. They were so grateful to have such a knowledgeable and experienced veterinarian to help them through this difficult time.