Weird Things Cats Do When They Really Love Us

512 points

There are many odd things that cats do that only cat owners will understand. Being on the receiving end of a lifeless mouse or frequently having your drink knocked off the table, for example, is all part of the experience.

There is still a lot that experts don’t know about cats but we know enough to know that certain behaviors mean your cat is comfortable or that there is something wrong.

Read on to get a glimpse into the secret lives of cats and to find out what certain unusual behaviors mean your feline friend is trying to communicate with you

How Cats Demand Attention 

Cats love to interrupt whatever it is you are doing by lying across the area where you are working. Whether you have a book open or are typing away on your laptop, they won’t hesitate to clamber on top.

How Cats Demand Attention

This is a cat’s way of ordering you to stop paying attention to whatever it is you are doing and to instead pay attention to them. By coming between you and the object you are engaging with, they command you stroke and pet them instead.

Why Cats Ignore You

Cats are intelligent beings but they are also undeniably stubborn. When you call a dog’s name, he will come bounding up to you but when you call a cat’s name, they will more likely ignore you altogether.

Why Cats Ignore You

This is not because they do not understand their name. It is actually because they just don’t want to go to you. They like to show affection on their own terms and will come and say hello to you when they feel like it.

How Cats Find Comfort

When kittens are born, they press on their mother’s mammary glands while drinking her milk. This prompts the mother to produce more so they can keep drinking.

How Cats Find Comfort

This instinct stays with the cat even after they become fully grown cats. Adult cats often associate the soft parts of your body with the comforts of their mother and so they knead these parts with their paws. Experts generally believe that they do this either when they are content or when they are seeking stress relief.

Why Cats Sniff You

Cats are curious creatures and love to get a whiff of those around them. If your cat suddenly gets up close, it is because they want to get a sniff of your unique scent. This could be because they are looking for a comforting, familiar scent.

Why Cats Sniff You

Your face is an easy place for cats to get a whiff and reminds them that you are there and not a stranger. Breathing in your scent therefore helps cats relax and feel at ease with you.

Why Cats Chew On Plastic

If your cat suddenly starts showing an interest in chewing things that aren’t food, it may be time to take a trip to the vet.

Why Cats Chew On Plastic

Chewing plastic is a sign of a condition called “pica”. Experts believe that cats chew objects as a sign of anxiety and stress or because they are suffering from nutritional problems. If your cat does this frequently, it can be very bad for their digestive system and you should probably seek advice from a professional.

How Cats Show Frustration

If your cat is eyeing up a bird outside the window, its intense glare may be accompanied by a quick chattering sound.

Experts believe that this chattering is a sound of frustration. The cat can see that the bird is there and wants to catch it, but equally knows that the window is preventing the catch.

How Cats Show Frustration

Other experts, however, believe that this is a natural instinct and that the chattering warms up the muscles of the cat before they chase their prey.

How Cats Open Up To You

When it comes to human behavior, turning your back and displaying your backend is a definite sign of rejection and rudeness. When your cat does it, however, they are actually displaying their trust and are permitting you to come closer.

How Cats Open Up To You

When cats lift their tails, they are opening up to you. Sure, the sight is not particularly pleasant but it shows that your cat really is comfortable in your company and is happy for you to stroke them until your heart’s content.

How Cats Attempt To Play

Cats like to lie down on their backs and roll around. They only do this when they feel comfortable as displaying their belly is a sign of vulnerability.

Often when they do this they are stretching but equally, it may be an attempt to engage you in a game. Experts think that cats roll around like this when they want to play.

How Cats Attempt To Play

That said, they might equally just be marking their territory by depositing their scent on your nice new rug.

Why Cats Cry at Night

While you are fast asleep, your cat is usually prowling around the house. They are far more active at night which is usually not a problem, until they start wailing loudly and wake you up.

These wails occur when a cat is trying to catch prey inside the house. If they cannot find any mice or insects to leap on, they might cry out of frustration.

Why Cats Cry at Night

There isn’t much you can do to stop this wailing other than play with your cat during the day so it gets tired out at night and sleeps when you do.

Why Cats Play Hide and Seek

If you have a cat, we bet that you have found it curled up at one point or another in a small hiding place. Whether it’s in a box or under the sink, cats often pick these strange small places over the bigger and more comfortable spots in the house.

Why Cats Play Hide and Seek

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