Dog Refuses to Leave Grave, then The Undertaker Notices She’s Hiding Something

546 points

34. The Undertaker

Mr. Muldaver was a tall man with a kind face, always ready with a friendly smile for anyone he met. After a while, Mr. Muldaver walked over to Tommy’s booth, curiosity in his eyes.

“Hey there, Tommy,” he said. “What’s all this? You selling your stuff?” Tommy nodded, trying to sound casual. “Yeah, just trying to make some extra money.”

The Undertaker ©Andrii Zastrozhnov/stock.adobe.comThe Undertaker ©Andrii Zastrozhnov/

Mr. Muldaver raised an eyebrow. “What does a young man like you need money for? Everything okay?”

35. Tommy Confesses All

Tommy hesitated, unsure how much to share. But seeing Snarf lounging nearby, a comforting presence, he decided to open up. “Yeah, just family stuff. We’re having some money troubles, and I want to help out.”

Mr. Muldaver nodded understandingly. “That’s mighty kind of you, Tommy. But don’t you think selling all your stuff is a bit drastic?”

Tommy Confesses All ©FineBokeh/stock.adobe.comTommy Confesses All ©FineBokeh/

Tommy shrugged, a hint of sadness in his eyes. “I just want to do whatever I can to help. My family means everything to me.”

36. Wise Words from a New Friend

Mr. Muldaver smiled warmly. “I understand, Tommy. Just don’t forget to take care of yourself too, okay? Sometimes, helping others means taking care of yourself first.”

Tommy nodded, grateful for Mr. Muldaver’s words. As the day went on, Tommy sold a few of his items, but his heart wasn’t fully in it.

Wise Words from a New Friend ©Wise Words from a New Friend/stock.adobe.comWise Words from a New Friend ©Wise Words from a New Friend/

He knew now that saving his home would require more than just selling his belongings.

37. Parent’s Pride

At the end of the day, Tommy counted his earnings and handed them over to his parents. Tommy’s parents sat him down at the kitchen table, their faces filled with love and concern.

They thanked him for his hard work and for trying so hard to help the family. “We’re so proud of you, Tommy,” his dad said, squeezing his shoulder.

Parent’s Pride ©Alexander/stock.adobe.comParent’s Pride ©Alexander/

They gently explained that the problems they were facing were bigger than what Tommy could solve on his own.

38. Sorry He Couldn’t do More

“I’m sorry, Mom, Dad,” Tommy said, his voice barely above a whisper. “I just wanted to help.” His mom wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close.

“You have helped, Tommy,” she said, her voice soft. “You’ve shown us how much you care, and that means more to us than anything. We’ll figure this out together, as a family.”

Sorry He Couldn’t do More ©Daniel Jędzura/stock.adobe.comSorry He Couldn’t do More ©Daniel Jędzura/

They were touched by his efforts but gently explained that it still wasn’t enough.

39. Facing Reality

“Selling lemonade and raking leaves, as helpful as it is, won’t solve our financial troubles. We’re going through a tough time, and this is a problem your mom and me need to figure out.”

Tommy felt a lump form in his throat. He had hoped that his efforts would make a difference, that he could single-handedly save his family’s home.

Facing Reality ©cherezoff/stock.adobe.comFacing Reality ©cherezoff/

But now he realized that it would take more than just his hard work.

40. The Dog was Acting Weird

As the darkness of night took over, Mr. Muldaver spotted Snarf trotting through the cemetery gates. He watched as she wandered among the headstones, her tail wagging happily.

Curiosity piqued, Mr. Muldaver decided to follow her, keeping a safe distance so as not to scare her off.

The Dog was Acting Weird ©annaav/stock.adobe.comThe Dog was Acting Weird ©annaav/

He watched as Snarf stopped by an old, broken gravestone and began to dig. Mr. Muldaver’s brow furrowed. What was she doing?

41. A Secret Hidden Beneath

It had been three days since Snarf had arrived. Muldaver couldn’t see clearly from where he stood, but it looked like she was lying on something.

Snarf got up and looked around as if to see if the coast was clear. Then, with a satisfied wag of her tail, she lay down on top of whatever was there.

A Secret Hidden Beneath ©Heroc/stock.adobe.comA Secret Hidden Beneath ©Heroc/

Mr. Muldaver approached the gravestone, his curiosity getting the better of him. He peered into the hole from a distance and saw something in the fading light.

42. Unease was all Around

With a sense of unease, he tried to get Snarf to flee. But she wouldn’t budge. The more he tried to get her to move, the more irritated she got. He was determined to find out what Snarf had buried.

Just as he had thought he was close to succeeding, a chill ran down his spine. What could be in there? And why had Snarf buried it?

Unease was all Around @Carsten Busch/LinkedInUnease was all Around @Carsten Busch/LinkedIn

Before he could find out, he heard a noise behind him. Startled, he looked up and thought he saw something at the edge of the cemetery.

43. Chilling Moments at Night

His eyes were playing tricks on him. Mr. Muldaver knew nothing was there, but he had the feeling something was off. Heart pounding, he turned back to the dog, his hands shaking.

Whatever Snarf had buried, it was sure to be something worth uncovering.

Chilling Moments at Night ©Dave/stock.adobe.comChilling Moments at Night ©Dave/

The frantic undertaker looked up once more. The stray dog had still not moved an inch. Muldaver decided it was best left alone, as nothing good could come from pissing this dog off in the dark of night.

44. A New Day Dawns

The next day dawned bright and clear over Boise, Idaho. Mr. Muldaver couldn’t shake the events of the previous night from his mind. As he went about his day, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease.

As he walked through town, he spotted Tommy setting up his lemonade stand.

A New Day Dawns © New Day Dawns ©

Tommy looked tired but determined, a stack of cups and a pitcher of lemonade in front of him. Snarf was nowhere to be seen.

45. An Unexpected Request

“Hey there, Tommy,” Mr. Muldaver called out, approaching the stand. Tommy looked up, a surprised expression on his face.

“Hi, Mr. Muldaver,” Tommy said, smiling weakly. “Would you like some lemonade?” Mr. Muldaver shook his head. “No, thank you, Tommy. Actually, I was wondering if you could do me a favor.

An Unexpected Request ©Alfazet Chronicles/stock.adobe.comAn Unexpected Request ©Alfazet Chronicles/

Could you meet me at the cemetery in an hour? I found something there last night, and I think you might find it interesting.”

46. Curiosity Piqued

Tommy’s eyes widened in surprise. “Sure, Mr. Muldaver. I’ll be there.” As Mr. Muldaver walked away, he couldn’t help but wonder what Tommy’s reaction would be when he showed him what he had found.

He hoped it would bring some light into the boy’s life, especially after all his efforts to help his family.

Curiosity Piqued ©stefanholm/stock.adobe.comCuriosity Piqued ©stefanholm/

An hour later, Tommy arrived at the cemetery, a look of curiosity on his face.

47. The Dog Hadn’t Moved

Mr. Muldaver was waiting for him near the entrance, a small shovel in his hand. “Hello, Tommy,” Mr. Muldaver said, greeting the boy. “I’m glad you could make it. Follow me.”

Finally, they reached the old, broken gravestone where Snarf had been lying since last night. Mr. Muldaver pointed to the ground.

The Dog Hadn’t Moved @trananhduyvn235/PinterestThe Dog Hadn’t Moved @trananhduyvn235/Pinterest

“Look here, Tommy,” he said, kneeling down and using the shovel. That dog buried something in my cemetery.

48. A Baffling Discovery

Mr. Muldaver knelt beside the old, broken gravestone, pointing to the ground where Snarf lay. “Look here, Tommy,” he said, his voice low and serious.

“That dog buried something here last night, and it’s underneath this broken tombstone.” Tommy’s eyes widened in surprise. “What do you think it is, Mr. Muldaver?”

A Baffling Discovery ©camerawithlegs/stock.adobe.comA Baffling Discovery ©camerawithlegs/

Mr. Muldaver shook his head. “I’m not sure, Tommy. But there’s something about that dog.

49. A Trusting Gesture

She seems to like you and listen to you. I was hoping you could coax her away from whatever she’s laying on so we can see what’s underneath.”

Tommy nodded, understanding the task ahead. He approached Snarf cautiously, speaking to her in a gentle tone. “Hey, Snarf,” he said softly.

A Trusting Gesture ©Yuri Kravchenko/stock.adobe.comA Trusting Gesture ©Yuri Kravchenko/

“Can you come away from there for a moment? We just want to see what’s underneath.”

50. Unearthing the Past

Snarf lifted her head and looked at Tommy, her eyes soft and trusting. She stood up and took a few steps back, revealing a metal box buried in the soft earth.

Tommy and Mr. Muldaver exchanged curious glances before Mr. Muldaver carefully lifted the box out of the ground. He brushed off the dirt and held it up, examining it closely.

Unearthing the Past ©Mushy/stock.adobe.comUnearthing the Past ©Mushy/

“This looks like it’s been here for years,” Mr. Muldaver said, turning the box over in his hands.

51. Who Could It Belong To?

Tommy looked at the box with interest. “Do you think they belonged to the person buried here?” he asked.

“It’s possible,” Mr. Muldaver replied. “But the name has been worn away since before I got here, and there are no records of who’s in there.”

Who Could It Belong To? ©Dennis W. McHugh/stock.adobe.comWho Could It Belong To? ©Dennis W. McHugh/

As they stood there, holding the box, Snarf sat nearby, watching them with curious eyes. She had led them to this discovery.

52. Treasures Hidden and Now Revealed

As Mr. Muldaver carefully opened the metal box, Tommy’s eyes widened in amazement. Inside the box were rows and rows of trading cards, neatly stacked and preserved despite their burial.

“Whoa,” Tommy breathed, kneeling down beside Mr. Muldaver to get a closer look. “Are those… baseball cards?”

Treasures Hidden and Now Revealed @usatoday/PinterestTreasures Hidden and Now Revealed @usatoday/Pinterest

“Not just any baseball cards,” he said, picking up a few and examining them closely. “These are rare, vintage cards. Some of them could be worth quite a bit of money.”

53. They were Valuable Findings

Tommy’s heart raced with excitement as he watched Mr. Muldaver sift through the cards. He spotted a few comic books nestled among the cards and recognized one immediately.

“Hey, that’s a first edition of ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’!” Tommy exclaimed, pointing to the comic book. “And there’s ‘X-Men #1’! Those are worth a fortune!”

They were Valuable Findings @imgur/PinterestThey were Valuable Findings @imgur/Pinterest

Mr. Muldaver nodded, impressed by Tommy’s knowledge. “You seem to know a lot about these, Tommy. Do you recognize any others?”

54. A Fortuitous Encounter

Tommy shook his head, his eyes still glued to the treasures in the box. “No, but these two are huge finds. They could be worth thousands of dollars!”

Excitement bubbling inside him, Tommy followed Mr. Muldaver as they made their way to the pawn shop in town, appropriately named “Treasure Trove Pawn Shop.”

A Fortuitous Encounter ©Thomas Reimer/stock.adobe.comA Fortuitous Encounter ©Thomas Reimer/

As they entered the shop, the owner, a burly man with a friendly smile, greeted them warmly. “Welcome, folks! What can I do for you today?”

55. A Visit to the Pawn Shop

“We have something you might be interested in,” Mr. Muldaver said, placing the box on the counter.

“A collection of rare baseball cards and comic books. We were hoping you could take a look and tell us what they might be worth.”

A Visit to the Pawn Shop @Virtualistic 3D/YoutubeA Visit to the Pawn Shop @Virtualistic 3D/Youtube

The pawn shop owner’s eyes lit up as he began to examine the contents of the box. “You’ve got yourself quite the collection here,” he said. “This stuff could fetch you a pretty penny.”

56. More Valuable than Thought

Tommy and Mr. Muldaver watched with anticipation as the pawnshop owner carefully examined each item in the box. After a few minutes, the owner looked up with a smile.

“You’ve got yourself quite the collection here,” he said. “These cards and comics could be worth a small fortune.”

More Valuable than Thought ©Irina Ukrainets/stock.adobe.comMore Valuable than Thought ©Irina Ukrainets/

Tommy’s heart raced with excitement. He had never imagined that the old box buried in the cemetery could hold such valuable treasures.

57. A Shift in Plans

Mr. Muldaver nodded, eager to hear the pawn shop owner’s assessment. “However,” the owner continued, “this isn’t the kind of stuff we typically buy here.

We mainly deal with jewelry, electronics, and other items. These cards and comics are more suited for a specialized market.”

A Shift in Plans ©ThisDesign/stock.adobe.comA Shift in Plans ©ThisDesign/

Tommy’s excitement waned slightly as he realized what the owner was saying. The pawnshop owner went on to explain that while the items were valuable.

58. A Valuable Realization

“The X-Men #1” alone could fetch around $500,000. They would have better luck selling them at a card show, where collectors were more likely to be interested.

After thanking the pawnshop owner for his time, Tommy and Mr. Muldaver left the shop, the box of treasures safely in Mr. Muldaver’s hands.

A Valuable Realization ©Stillfx/stock.adobe.comA Valuable Realization ©Stillfx/

As they walked back to the car, Tommy couldn’t contain his excitement. “Mr. Muldaver, do you think we could sell some of the cards at a card show?” Tommy asked eagerly.

59. Exciting Possibilities Around Every Corner

Mr. Muldaver smiled. “I think that’s a great idea, Tommy. We’ll just need to find a card show in town.”

When they arrived back at Tommy’s house, Tommy immediately sought out his parents to share the news.

Exciting Possibilities Around Every Corner ©The Pop Culture Geek Network/flickrExciting Possibilities Around Every Corner ©The Pop Culture Geek Network/flickr

His parents listened attentively as he explained what had happened at the pawn shop. “So, can we go to the card show?” Tommy asked, his eyes shining with excitement.

60. A Family Decision

His parents exchanged a glance before his dad spoke up. “Tommy, we’ll need to do some research first to make sure it’s the right decision.

But if it looks like a good opportunity, we’ll take you to the card show so you and Mr. Muldaver can try to sell some cards.”

A Family Decision ©fizkes/stock.adobe.comA Family Decision ©fizkes/

Tommy’s heart soared with gratitude. As they sat down to dinner that evening, Tommy’s mind was buzzing with excitement about the possibilities that lay ahead.

61. A Card Show Beckons

The weekend of the card show arrived, and Tommy could hardly contain his excitement.

On Saturday morning, after a hearty breakfast with his family, Tommy’s parents drove him to the venue where the show was being held.

A Card Show Beckons ©Soloviova Liudmyla/stock.adobe.comA Card Show Beckons ©Soloviova Liudmyla/

Muldaver had arrived early and was already setting up their table. As they pulled up to the venue, Tommy’s eyes widened in amazement.

62. A Thrilling Sight

The parking lot was filled with cars, and there were people milling around, carrying boxes and bags filled with cards and comics. Tommy spotted Snarf sitting out front, looking as majestic as ever.

“Look, Mom, Dad, it’s Snarf!” Tommy exclaimed, pointing excitedly. His parents smiled indulgently as they parked the car and got out.

A Thrilling Sight ©Cindy Ord/Getty ImagesA Thrilling Sight ©Cindy Ord/Getty Images

They joined Muldaver at their table, where he was busy organizing their collection.

63. Bustling with Enthusiasm

Muldaver greeted them warmly and introduced them to some of the other vendors nearby. The card show was a bustling affair, with rows of tables displaying all manner of cards, comics, and memorabilia.

There were collectors of all ages, from young kids like Tommy to older enthusiasts who had been collecting for decades.

Bustling with Enthusiasm ©Roy Rochlin/Getty ImagesBustling with Enthusiasm ©Roy Rochlin/Getty Images

The atmosphere was lively, with people haggling over prices and swapping stories about their favorite cards and comics.

64. Engaging with the Other Collectors

Tommy and Muldaver spent the morning setting up their table, arranging their cards and comics in neat rows. Tommy was thrilled to see the items from the box laid out so beautifully, and he couldn’t wait to start selling them.

As they worked, they chatted with the other vendors, many of whom were impressed by Tommy’s collection.

Engaging with the Other Collectors ©Bryan Bedder/Getty ImagesEngaging with the Other Collectors ©Bryan Bedder/Getty Images

Some even offered to trade cards with him, and Tommy eagerly accepted, adding new cards to his collection.

65. The Show Begins

As the morning turned into afternoon, the crowd grew larger. Tommy’s parents wandered around the venue, browsing the various tables and enjoying the lively atmosphere.

They were proud to see Tommy so engaged and enthusiastic about his hobby. As the clock ticked closer to the official start time of the show, Tommy felt a thrill of excitement.

The Show Begins ©zyabich/stock.adobe.comThe Show Begins ©zyabich/

The card show was about to begin, and he couldn’t wait to see what the day would bring.

66. There Were Mixed Emotions

As the last day of the card show rolled around, Tommy and Muldaver were feeling a mix of excitement and disappointment.

They had sold a bunch of cards and a handful of comics, but none of the really valuable ones. Still, they had made some money and had a great time meeting other collectors and enthusiasts.

There Were Mixed Emotions @Google/PinterestThere Were Mixed Emotions @Google/Pinterest

Tommy’s parents had been a huge help throughout the weekend, helping Muldaver set up and pack up their booth each day.

67. An Unexpected Inquiry

As they worked to pack up the booth at the end of the weekend, a couple in their 50s approached them. Tommy noticed that no one had seen them at the show before.

“Hello there, are you folks still selling?” the man asked, a hopeful look in his eyes.

An Unexpected Inquiry © Unexpected Inquiry ©

Tommy’s parents and Muldaver exchanged glances, then Muldaver replied, “Yes, we are, but we’re closing up. Is there something specific you’re looking for?”

68. Hopeful Interactions are Few and Far Between

The woman nodded eagerly. “Yes, we’re looking for something for our daughter’s birthday. And someone told us you might have what we’ve been looking for.”

Tommy’s heart skipped a beat. He watched eagerly as his parents and Muldaver talked to the couple, hoping against hope that they could make a sale.

Hopeful Interactions are Few and Far Between ©WavebreakmediaMicro/stock.adobe.comHopeful Interactions are Few and Far Between ©WavebreakmediaMicro/

As the conversation continued, Tommy couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement. The card show might be over, but it seemed like their weekend wasn’t quite finished yet.

69. The Coveted Comic

The couple stood in awe before the booth. All weekend, their social media feeds had been flooded with posts of people flaunting their selfies with the elusive comic.

The prize they had been searching for was finally attainable. They just had to get to Boise before someone else scooped it up. Their eyes fixed on the prized comic book displayed before them.

The Coveted Comic ©Jeff Whyte/stock.adobe.comThe Coveted Comic ©Jeff Whyte/

“It’s called “The UNCANNY X-Men #1.”

70. The Expert’s Assessment

Muldaver turned to the couple, his voice tinged with excitement. “The last auction price for this beauty was half a million dollars,” he said, eyes gleaming. “It’s a rare find, and its value only seems to be climbing.”

Money was no object for the couple, but they knew the value of such a treasure. They would need to have it appraised to ensure its authenticity.

The Expert’s Assessment ©THRmag/PinterestThe Expert’s Assessment ©THRmag/Pinterest

As they discussed this, a man approached from behind.

71. A Lucrative Offer

He introduced himself as an expert in rare comic book appraisals and offered to examine the comic.

With great care, he took the comic from its protective casing and began his inspection. Every crease, every page, every detail was scrutinized under his expert eye.

A Lucrative Offer ©irinabraga/stock.adobe.comA Lucrative Offer ©irinabraga/

After what felt like an eternity, the man looked up with a smile. The man whispered something to the couple, who exchanged a knowing glance with one another.

72. Sealing the Deal

Without hesitating even another second, the husband reached into his pocket and pulled out a checkbook. “Okay, how does $650,000 sound?” he said, his tone firm but eager.

Muldaver’s eyes widened in surprise and delight. This was an offer he couldn’t refuse. He nodded, a grin spreading across his face. “Deal,” he said, extending his hand to shake on it.

Sealing the Deal ©Andrey Popov/stock.adobe.comSealing the Deal ©Andrey Popov/

After filling out the check, the couple went with Muldaver to the bank to make sure everything cleared without any issues.

73. A Generous Gesture

“Well, Tommy, looks like we hit the jackpot here,” he said, Muldaver said, handing Tommy a check. “You did good, kid. You deserve this.”

Tommy’s eyes widened as he stared at the money in his hands. It was more than he had ever seen in one place before.

A Generous Gesture ©Andrey Popov/stock.adobe.comA Generous Gesture ©Andrey Popov/

“But… but what about you?” he stammered. “You did all the work, too.” Muldaver waved a hand dismissively.

74. Gratitude and Relief

“Ah, don’t worry about me, kid. Many people need money, but only a few are willing to help others when they have it. Your family needs it more than I do.”

Tommy’s parents couldn’t hold back their tears. “Thank you, Mr. Muldaver. You don’t know how much this means to us.”

Gratitude and Relief ©ASDF/stock.adobe.comGratitude and Relief ©ASDF/

As Mr. Muldaver shook his parent’s hands, Tommy couldn’t stop smiling at the sight of their relief. He did it. Maybe now they wouldn’t have to worry so much about money.

75. A Promising Future

Knowing that he had actually helped make a difference, Tommy said goodbye to Muldaver and headed home with his parents.

The stray dog trotted happily through the farms and city streets, its tail wagging as it explored its surroundings.

A Promising Future ©Cecilia/stock.adobe.comA Promising Future ©Cecilia/

Finally, it arrived at the cemetery, where it found a new spot to start digging. Today had been a good day, and tomorrow promised to be even better.

76. 3 Months Later – A New Visitor at the Cemetery

One chilly morning, as the fog hugged the ground of the Boise cemetery, a stooped old man with a cane made his way through the gates.

His eyes, sharp and curious, focused intently on Snarf, who was busy sniffing around a particular gravestone.

3 Months Later - A New Visitor at the Cemetery ©Lucigerma/Shutterstock.com3 Months Later – A New Visitor at the Cemetery ©Lucigerma/

The undertaker noticed the man’s interest and approached him, but the old man only smiled, his gaze never leaving Snarf as she dug energetically, her tail wagging with excitement.

77. The Old Man’s Story

The old man, introduced as Mr. Ellsworth, began recounting tales of his youth spent near the cemetery to Tommy and the undertaker.

“This place holds more than just the dead,” he murmured, watching Snarf play. “It holds memories, secrets.” He spoke of his childhood friends, long-gone games among the tombstones, and a mysterious event that happened right where Snarf was digging.

The Old Man's Story ©fizkes/Shutterstock.comThe Old Man’s Story ©fizkes/

Tommy listened, fascinated by how the past seemed to weave into their present mystery.

78. A Second Discovery

As Mr. Ellsworth’s stories filled the air, Snarf’s paws unearthed something small and metallic. Tommy rushed over, pulling a dusty, old medallion from the ground.

The medallion, bearing an intricate crest, seemed ancient. “That belonged to the founder of Boise, or so the stories say,” Mr. Ellsworth explained, his voice tinged with reverence.

A Second Discovery ©Ryan Brix/Shutterstock.comA Second Discovery ©Ryan Brix/

He suggested they research the symbol to uncover more about its origins and how it connected to the tales he shared.

79. Investigating the Past

In the quiet of the local library, Tommy and the undertaker, Mr. Muldaver, poured over old maps and dusty books about Boise’s history.

They were looking for any mention of the crest on the medallion Snarf had found. “It’s not just a piece of metal; it’s a key to the past,” Mr. Muldaver noted, his eyes scanning a faded document.

Investigating the Past ©Melinda Nagy/Shutterstock.comInvestigating the Past ©Melinda Nagy/

They discovered references to a prominent family, the founders, linked mysteriously to the cemetery’s oldest plots.

80. Unexpected Help

While struggling with a particularly cryptic historical ledger, Tommy and Mr. Muldaver were approached by Mrs. Abernathy, a retired historian known for her extensive knowledge of local lore.

“I couldn’t help overhearing,” she said, her eyes twinkling behind large glasses. She offered to help them decipher the old documents.

Unexpected Help ©Anneka/Shutterstock.comUnexpected Help ©Anneka/

Together, they began to unravel the handwritten notes that seemed to be encoded with dates and cryptic references to Boise’s early days.

81. Secrets of the Town

As they delved deeper, with Mrs. Abernathy’s guidance, they uncovered a forgotten chapter of Boise’s history.

The town, it appeared, was originally founded with funds from a mysterious source, hinted at in the margins of an old town ledger. This source was linked to the same crest found on the medallion, suggesting that the founders might have been part of a secret society or hidden fraternity.

Secrets of the Town ©Miiisha/Shutterstock.comSecrets of the Town ©Miiisha/

“This town has deeper roots than we thought,” Mrs. Abernathy mused, intrigued.

82. The Legend of the Lost Treasure

While discussing the mysterious origins of Boise, Mrs. Abernathy leaned in closer, lowering her voice.

“There’s an old legend,” she began, “about a treasure hidden somewhere within the town, linked to the founders.” Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she described how the treasure was rumored to include ancient artifacts and gold, hidden to protect it from thieves and to fund the town in times of need.

The Legend of the Lost Treasure ©Bricolage/Shutterstock.comThe Legend of the Lost Treasure ©Bricolage/

Tommy and Mr. Muldaver exchanged eager glances, sensing a new adventure unfolding.

83. The Map

In the dim light of Mrs. Abernathy’s dusty attic, among stacks of old books and papers, Tommy stumbled upon a brittle parchment map tucked inside a leather-bound journal.

The map depicted several landmarks around Boise, marked with mysterious symbols that matched the crest on the medallion. “This must be the guide to the treasure!” exclaimed Mr. Muldaver, his voice echoing slightly in the cramped space.

The Map ©Petair/Shutterstock.comThe Map ©Petair/

They carefully unfolded the map, plotting their first destination.

84. Preparing for the Quest

The next morning, Tommy, Mr. Muldaver, Mrs. Abernathy, and an enthusiastic Snarf gathered their supplies—flashlights, a compass, snacks, and a copy of the old map sealed in a plastic bag.

They reviewed their plan, deciding to start at the first landmark early the next day. As the sun set, they checked their gear, filled with anticipation and a touch of nervousness about what lay ahead.

Preparing for the Quest ©Billion Photos/Shutterstock.comPreparing for the Quest ©Billion Photos/

“Ready for a real adventure?” Mr. Muldaver asked, clapping Tommy on the back.

85. A Night at the Museum

Their quest led them to a local museum that housed relics from Boise’s early days. After hours of searching without much luck, darkness fell, and the museum began to close.

Caught in the back exhibit, they decided to hide until morning. The night in the museum was eerie, filled with shadows and the sounds of creaking old floors.

A Night at the Museum ©Ihsan Sercan ozkurnazli/Shutterstock.comA Night at the Museum ©Ihsan Sercan ozkurnazli/
As they explored quietly, Tommy discovered an old exhibit about the town’s founders that contained hints matching their map.

86. The Chase

As dawn broke, Tommy, Mr. Muldaver, Mrs. Abernathy, and Snarf emerged from the museum, only to notice shadowy figures tailing them discreetly.

These strangers seemed keenly interested in their activities, likely aware of the treasure hunt. As they followed the map’s directions through town, the pursuit intensified, with the strangers attempting to close in.

The Chase ©Alex Linch/Shutterstock.comThe Chase ©Alex Linch/

Quick thinking and swift movements helped them shake off their pursuers, adding a thrilling rush to their quest.

87. An Unexpected Ally

While evading their followers, a robust, friendly dog joined them, seeming to recognize Snarf.

This new canine companion, whom Tommy named Scout, appeared just as they were cornered, helping to distract their pursuers and allowing them to escape.

An Unexpected Ally ©Wirestock Creators/Shutterstock.comAn Unexpected Ally ©Wirestock Creators/

Scout’s sudden appearance and his protective attitude towards Snarf suggested a deeper connection, perhaps a shared past, which Tommy found both mysterious and heartening.

88. The Hidden Cave

The map eventually led the group to a secluded area on the outskirts of Boise, where the underbrush concealed an almost invisible cave entrance.

With Scout and Snarf leading, they pushed aside the thick foliage to reveal a rocky opening.

The Hidden Cave ©Patxi P/Shutterstock.comThe Hidden Cave ©Patxi P/

The air was cool as they entered, the cave’s mouth swallowing the light from outside, suggesting that few had ventured here before them.

89. Inside the Cave

Inside, the cave stretched into dark, winding passages. Their flashlights revealed old markings on the walls—symbols that matched those on their map.

The deeper they went, the more signs they found of previous explorers: abandoned gear, faded footprints in the dust, and old encampments.

Inside the Cave ©Evgenii Nikulin/Shutterstock.comInside the Cave ©Evgenii Nikulin/

All of these signs spoke of lengthy searches and possibly dashed hopes, which added layers of history and mystery to their exploration.

90. The Puzzle Box

In a small chamber, illuminated by a shaft of natural light from above, they discovered an intricately carved wooden box perched atop a stone pedestal.

The box had multiple sliding parts and symbols that resembled those on the map and medallion.

The Puzzle Box ©PHOTOCREO Michal Bednarek/Shutterstock.comThe Puzzle Box ©PHOTOCREO Michal Bednarek/

Realizing it was a puzzle box that might unlock the next clue or even the treasure itself, they gathered around, each trying their hand at solving its secrets to move deeper into the cave’s heart.

91. Solving the Puzzle

Tommy recalled a similar puzzle in a comic book, where the hero had to align symbols to reveal a secret passage.

Inspired, he carefully examined the symbols on the puzzle box, aligning them with the ones they had found throughout the cave. After several tense minutes, a click sounded as the box opened, revealing its contents.

Solving the Puzzle ©Aleksei Isachenko/Shutterstock.comSolving the Puzzle ©Aleksei Isachenko/

Tommy’s eyes lit up with excitement — his love for comics had just brought them one step closer to the treasure.

92. The Revelation

Inside the now-open puzzle box, they found a rolled parchment, aged and fragile. Unfurling it gently, they discovered it was not a treasure map but a series of riddles pointing to various landmarks around Boise.

Each riddle described a piece of the town’s history and hinted at the next location. “It’s a scavenger hunt,” Mr. Muldaver chuckled, his eyes gleaming with the thrill of the chase.

The Revelation ©Carlos Amarillo/Shutterstock.comThe Revelation ©Carlos Amarillo/

They prepared to delve deeper into the town’s secrets, each riddle a gateway to the past and the hidden treasure.

93. A Close Call

As they decoded the first riddle and moved to the corresponding landmark, a sudden creaking sound alerted them to danger. The floor beneath Tommy’s feet gave way, but Mr. Muldaver grabbed him just in time, pulling him back from a hidden pitfall.

It was clear that the cave and perhaps other locations were rigged with traps, likely set by the original hiders of the treasure to deter unwelcome seekers.

A Close Call ©Vera Petrunina/Shutterstock.comA Close Call ©Vera Petrunina/

Shaken but unharmed, they realized the search would be more perilous than anticipated, yet their resolve only strengthened.

94. Reflections by the Fire

After a long day of navigating through riddles and evading traps, the group set up camp near a quiet stream just outside the city.

As the fire crackled, they shared personal stories under the starlit sky. Tommy talked about his dreams of becoming a detective, inspired by his comic book heroes. Mr. Muldaver shared tales from his early days as an undertaker, and they all laughed over Scout and Snarf’s playful antics.

Reflections by the Fire ©solarseven/Shutterstock.comReflections by the Fire ©solarseven/

This quiet moment deepened their bonds, reinforcing their camaraderie and trust.

95. The Old Church

Dawn brought clarity and resolve as they followed the next riddle to an old, abandoned church on the outskirts of Boise.

Its once-stately architecture was now cloaked in ivy, the stained glass windows dusty and cracked. They pushed open the heavy wooden doors with an echoing thud. Inside, the air was musty, filled with the scent of old wood and forgotten hymns.

The Old Church ©derek young photography/Shutterstock.comThe Old Church ©derek young photography/

The church, desolate yet solemn, seemed to hold its breath, waiting to reveal its secrets.

96. The Cryptic Painting

Inside the church, their flashlights swept across the walls, catching on a large, cryptic painting behind the altar. It depicted the founding of Boise, with the same crest as on the medallion prominently featured.

The painting was more than just art; it was a puzzle, filled with symbolic imagery and hidden numbers that matched landmarks around the town. Tommy traced the symbols, connecting them to their map.

The Cryptic Painting ©Galyna Andrushko/Shutterstock.comThe Cryptic Painting ©Galyna Andrushko/

“Look, each symbol corresponds to a place we’ve been,” he realized, uncovering the next step in their treasure hun

97. Deciphering the Code

The group huddled around the painting, each person offering insights into the cryptic symbols and numbers intertwined within the artwork.

With Mrs. Abernathy’s historical knowledge, they pieced together the significance of each symbol, translating them into coordinates and directions.

Deciphering the Code ©Thomas Mucha/Shutterstock.comDeciphering the Code ©Thomas Mucha/

After hours of discussion and debate, they finally cracked the code, revealing a sequence that they hypothesized would lead them to a hidden mechanism within the church itself.

98. The Secret Room

Guided by their newfound understanding, Tommy pressed against a seemingly ordinary section of the church’s stone wall, where the coordinates led.

To their astonishment, the stone pivoted silently, revealing a narrow passage obscured by years of dust and cobwebs. Their flashlights illuminated the way as they descended into the secret room, hearts pounding with the thrill of discovery.

The Secret Room ©Jetrel/Shutterstock.comThe Secret Room ©Jetrel/

The room was lined with shelves, each filled with old books, maps, and other mysterious artifacts.

99. The Treasure Revealed

Inside the secret room, amid the ancient texts and dusty maps, lay a large, intricately carved chest.

With bated breath, they opened it to reveal a trove of historic artifacts: gold coins, jewelry adorned with the town’s crest, and sealed documents likely detailing the early days of Boise. Each item was a piece of history, untouched for centuries.

The Treasure Revealed ©grafvision/Shutterstock.comThe Treasure Revealed ©grafvision/

The documents promised to provide invaluable insights into the town’s founding and growth, potentially rewriting parts of Boise’s known history.

100. Returning Home

With the treasure securely packed, the group made their way back to town, each step homeward filled with a sense of accomplishment and awe.

Plans were quickly made to exhibit the artifacts and documents in the local museum, ensuring the entire community could share in the discovery.

Returning Home ©VALUA VITALY/Shutterstock.comReturning Home ©VALUA VITALY/
Tommy felt a deep pride in their success, knowing that their adventure had not only uncovered hidden treasures but would also enrich the lives of their neighbors and preserve the town’s history for generations to come.

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction created for entertainment. Characters and events are the products of the author’s imagination. The images shown are used for illustration only.

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