Vet Sees Ultrasound, Immediately Calls The Cops

515 points

The Pups Should Have Popped Out Already

The staff at the center informed Mariesa and Chris that it was high time for Storie to deliver the puppies. In fact, she should have given birth by then.

They did not know why it has not yet happened, especially since the pooch looked ready to pop. What a precarious situation! What could possibly be going on?

Life And Death

This animal-loving couple knew right away that this meant trouble for the poor pit bull. She clearly needed help as soon as possible.

They had to make a decision on the spot since it could make the difference between life and death for the dog and her unborn puppies.

Helping The Soon-To-Be Mom

Time was of the essence in this case. Storie needed to be taken care of right that instant, but the couple had to think it over some more.

When they were talking to each other, Storie rested her beautiful face on her prospective human’s knee and pleaded with her eyes. Mariesa came to a decision then.

Big Dog Family

She knew she would be bringing Storie home, but was this actually the right choice? After all, this meant that the big family would get one more member – if not more!

This was going to a big challenge, that much was for sure. However, they would soon learn that things were more complex than they seemed.

The Perfect Solution

Even though they were aware that keeping Storie would mean taking care of an additional 10 dogs, they did not want the pregnant dog momma to be at the shelter for longer than she needs to be.

Mariesa wanted to help Storie and give her a safe space to deliver the pups.

An Idea

The couple started to talk about it and weighed the pros and cons of bringing home Storie. Without a doubt, it was not a practical idea.

However, Chris suggested something that made perfect sense for the situation at hand. It sure seemed like their best bet, both for their family and for Storie and the pups.

Foster Parents

He suggested that they would foster Storie and her puppies. However, this was only going to be temporary as the animal rescue team would then look for their forever homes.

This was a good idea since they could not afford to keep more pets with their eight other dogs.

Another Problem

The suggestion was a brilliant one, but the problems did not end there. They still had to find out what was wrong with the pregnancy.

What was the reason Storie had not yet give birth even though she was close to bursting? This was the next thing they had to tackle. They needed to give the pregnancy the attention it deserved.

Looking For Answers Online

This was the first time they have ever encountered anything like this. There must be some reason Storie was unable or unwilling to give birth to the babies.

Chris and Mariesa had been worrying about it, so they decided to go to the internet and look for a way to address the issue. Did they find anything of relevance over there?


Unfortunately, they did not find a lot of reassuring things online. In fact, they came out even more worried about the situation!

Well, this is normally what happens when you look for answers online. Chris and Marie felt even more anxious about the whole thing.

Relationship Between Trauma And Birth

Humans have a tendency to underestimate just how intelligent most animals actually are.

When Mariesa and Chris started to look for answers, they found out why a dog might resist the delivery of her puppies. They even found a source that seemed to perfectly describe what was happening.

Stressful Conditions

What did they learn? Research showed that animals often experience a lot of stress and even trauma when they live in rescue shelters.

Of course, pregnant dogs are more vulnerable to this. While shelters have the intention of helping animals in need, they get crowded quickly. A crowded place is not the best environment for a pregnant dog. A loving home such as Chris and Mariesa’s can make a big difference.

Realizing How Dangerous The Situation Is

Chris and Mariesa started to read up about the matter some more and realize things could escalate further. There was a possibility that Storie would lose her puppies.

Not only that, but she might also lose her life! They certainly had no idea how bad thing were. Can you believe that this is not all?

Traumatic Experiences

Mariesa found out that pregnant dogs experiencing trauma get so worried about the pups that they could chose to refuse delivery completely.

This situation happens since they are under the impression that the babies would be at risk…

Off To The Vet

Chris and Mariesa were able to tell that this was a precarious situation. They had to bring the pregnant pooch to the vet as soon as they could.

This was important if they wanted to ensure the safety of the babies. They popped back in the car and drove to the nearest vet.

What The Ultrasound Showed

The vet conducted an ultrasound scan on the dog, but she saw unbelievable results. She shook her head.

How could this even be possible? There must have been some kind of mistake, one way or another!

Something Isn’t Right

What she saw there would change things for the couple and the others involved. Mariesa picked up on the fact that something was not

However, nothing about the results changed or disappeared, not the shapes nor the numbers… It was true. right. What was it now?

The Shock Of A Lifetime

The veterinarian took a deep breath before she delivered the news. She went into an explanation of the abnormality she found in Storie’s womb.

They had been expecting to see six puppies, but this did not align with the ultrasound results.

Frozen In Shock

The vet pointed to the outlines and then counted them for the couple. Chris and Mariesa then figured out what was happening.

They were now in shock as well. They were told that Storie would have six puppies, but the ultrasound revealed that this was not true. What exactly was going on?

A Development No One Expected

The vet did not expect this either. She tried to count again. After this, she gave it another round.

The results were always the same. At last, she figured out there was no choice but to tell them what it was…


Chris and Mariesa had been expecting six puppies, but the vet knew this was wrong. The pregnant dog was carrying not six puppies but twelve!

Yes, that is twice the number of dogs they were expecting. At any rate, Storie had TWELVE puppies in her womb. How were they going to solve this mess?


The lovebirds could not believe what they just heard. How could this happen? Six dogs already sounded like too much but twelve?

Clearly, the problem was even more serious than they originally thought. Was Storie going to be okay? Was she going to deliver all twelve of her babies? Let us find out.

Go Home And Wait

Even the vet had no idea why Storie had yet to give birth to her large litter of puppies.

At the very least, the ultrasounds showed her that the puppies were all fine. What a relief! What was next for them?


The vet said that the best thing they could do was head home and get ready for the birth. If Storie still had not given birth after 48 hours, they should return for yet another examination.


Chris and Mariesa did not know it at the time, but Storie actually had a great reason to wait.

The Parents Are Anxious

You can probably imagine how stressed Chris and Mariesa had been at that moment. Storie was not only in danger of losing six babies but a dozen of these babies.

They could not help but feel anxious about the following 48 hours. Was Storie going to be all right if she failed to deliver the pups in that timeframe?

A Brilliant Idea

It is easy to see that this was a dangerous and terrible situation at the same time. However, there seemed to be nothing they could do for Storie.

The only thing left to do was make her feel at home. When they went home, Mariesa came up with a clever plan.

Giving Her A Space Of Her Own

By that point, Chris and Mariesa already went through a lot of articles about trauma and stress. They knew how hard things have been on Storie.


They tried to help her by giving her a very inviting space. Mariesa chose a spot in a spare bedroom. She even placed pillows and blankets for the dog.


After that, they showed Storie her new sanctuary and prayed for the best.

Chris and Mariesa gave it their all because they wanted to make it just right for the pooch. They even kept track of the room temperature and noise level in there.


The couple did not know that something incredible was going to happen there.

The two of them headed of to bed for the night and then went to see how Storie was doing upon waking up. They wanted to see if she was feeling better and more comfortable.


As Mariesa and Chris headed to the room where they left the pit bull, they could hear some curious noises.

They hurried and entered the bedroom. They did not expect to see what they laid their eyes on!

During The Night

They entered the spare bedroom. Much to their delight, they found Storie in there with her 12 adorable puppies!

She was able to deliver them all while the two of them slept. What an incredible sight it was.


Mariesa and Chris were reduced to tears by what they saw. Who would have thought Storie was finally going to deliver the pups?

They were thrilled. Soon enough, they learned just why she waited so long.

A Dozen Puppies

When dogs give birth to puppies at the shelter, it often becomes stressful for both the mom and babies.

Storie was somehow aware that the shelter was not a good place for anyone to give birth in an environment like that one. This is the reason she decided to wait for someone like Chris and Mariesa

Less Than A Day

Isn’t it incredible that Storie only had to spend one whole day, even less, with Chris and Mariesa to feel comfortable around them?

She was so at home she even delivered her litter of puppies! What made it even more special was the fact that no one understands what was going on. Good job, Storie!

A Great Dog Mama

Storie was great when it came to looking after the puppies. Well, what else did you expect from the best dog mother in the entire world?

It did not take long before people started to file adoption cases for the dogs. The couple already knew that they would not get to keep the puppies for a long time. Was Storie going to be okay with letting the puppies go?

Puppies For Adoption

After several weeks, the puppies finally opened their eyes. Mariesa and Chris had been enjoying the time they had with the litter of puppies.

The babies took over the yard and goofed around with one another. You know what puppies are like! Storie was happy to have all of her pups with her. Sadly, the time came for them to say goodbye…

Waiting For A Little TLC

When Storie was taken to a good and secure environment, she was able to let her body do the work and deliver the puppies.

This was how she got to welcome the puppies, all twelve of them. However, what was next for her and the babies? Let us find out.

A Pack Of Her Own

It seems like Storie knew just what she needed to give birth to her babies. All she wanted was the feeling of protection and security!

The foster couple managed to give her these things, which was how she birthed her twelve strong puppies. She sure is one smart dog.

Heading For Their New Homes

It is impressive to hear that they managed to find foster parents willing to adopt the puppies when they were 10 weeks old.

Chris and Mariesa might have adored the babies, but they simply did not have the means to keep them. They had to give them up for adoption, sadly. It was a heartbreaking moment, but it was the right thing to do.

10 Weeks Old

When they were 10 weeks old, the puppies were brought to their new homes. We’re glad to hear that, but what would become of Storie?

The puppies were all in good hands now, but what about their mother? After risking her life for her children, this wonderful mother deserves only the best.

Her Forever Home

It is not all that surprising to hear that the story went viral when it was posted on Facebook. The inspiring story of Storie reached someone who fell in love with her right away.

This man then contacted Chris and Mariesa to schedule an appointment. He wanted to meet this lovely dog and then see from there. What did he have to say?

They All Found Homes!

He ended up loving Storie even more and decided to take her with him! Storie has, at long last, made her way to her forever home.

She and the rest of the puppies were then taken to their amazing homes. Not only that, but she also got spayed to prevent any more massive pregnancies. Let us hope she never has to go through anything like that ever again!

The Best Dog Mom

Even though Storie gave birth to a large number of puppies, she still remembered to give them the attention and love they deserved.

When she was still with them, she was the image of a perfect mom. Aren’t you excited to hear such a lovely thing?

The End Was Nearing

Chris and Mariesa were both happy and proud to see Storie accomplish such a big feat.

She even cleaned and nursed the puppies while she waited for them to reach a good health status. Sadly, the couple did not have much more time with them…

If Not For Them

The twelve pups all went to loving houses they now get to call their forever homes. They are glad this is the case because they will never run out of love and affection now.

Storie stayed with Chris and Mariesa until each of the puppies were taken. Her maternal instincts are still as bright as can be.

A Crucial Chance

If Mariesa and Chris failed to take a chance on her, some very terrible things would have happened to her and the babies.

We are happy that they took a chance on the incredibly pregnant dog they found in the crowded animal shelter. Otherwise, things would have gotten a much sadder ending. Whew!

A Happy Note

Even though the story of Storie had a happily ever after, there are so many dogs out there who will never get to find a forever home.


Shelters typically need plenty of help to take good care of the animals. If you are unable to foster a dog for some reason, you can do more by checking out your other options.

Helping Out

Of course, it is always a good idea to take in a new dog if you can. However, you can opt to donate money or spread the word about the shelter or rescue home.

These might sound like little things, but they will go a long way to help the people who work in the shelters.

The Mr. Mo Project

Mariesa and Chris are the founders of a nonprofit organization that looks after elderly and sick dogs. It is called the Mr. Mo Project.

The dogs that fall under these categories have a high risk of euthanasia, so the couple wants to look for places they could call their forever homes. The project also takes care of medical and living expenses. The “fospice” homes, meanwhile, provide care and love.

A Family Affair

If you can adopt or foster dogs, you should always keep this story in mind. There is no need to fret if you do not think you have enough bed space for all the dogs you want to adopt.

Should that ever happen, try to follow in the footsteps of Mariesa and Chris. Although the average king bed measures 6.6 feet long, theirs is nearly double that! This is an option you might want to consider.

Happy Holidays!

By this point, you should know better than anyone how much Mariesa and Chris love dogs. You can even check out the Instagram account for ‘The Mr. Mo Project’.

On that account, they posted this photo with a caption that read, “Happy Easter and Passover from our dog house to yours #happyeaster #happypassover #lifeinthedoghouse #mrmoproject #gomrmo #18dogsandcounting #72paws #rescuelife #shelterdogs #rescuesdog #seniordogrescue #adoptdontshop #multidoghousehold #siblinggoals #squadgoals #packlife #easterbunnies #easterpictures #love #proudparents”.

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