Cat Stares At Wall All Day Until Dad Realizes Why
Kept Hidden
Beverly was stunned when the contractor revealed the secret room through the wall. She lived in that house for years without knowing it existed. The wall had always seemed ordinary to her.
She couldn’t believe what she was seeing, and she was creeped out. Their scratching and thumping sounds were still unaccounted for.
A bird’s nest was sought by the contractor.
A Well Kept Secret
Staring at the wall, she couldn’t find words to describe her feelings. Her attention was never drawn to the small room, and she never suspected anything. Despite this, she still lacked the answers she was looking for.
Beverly couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Nevertheless, scratching and thumping sounds remained unanswered.
A bird’s nest was sought by the contractor.
He spent some time searching the room for nests but was unable to find any. As cockroaches crawled all over the walls, he suggested to Beverley that they might be causing the scratching noises.
There was a possibility, Beverly thought. Would small insects make a loud thumping sound as well?
There was still a doubt in Beverly’s mind.
Not So Sure
Her mind still echoed with strange sounds. Exactly how are these tiny insects able to make such a loud thumping noise?
Larry’s behavior might be explained by this theory, but she wasn’t completely convinced.
It terrified her to think that something else lived in the secret room.
Master Plan
The contractor boarded up the wall again at her request. Her plan was set in motion. To find out if anything was missing, she was going to install surveillance cameras around the house.
As she stared at the wall, she felt this was more than just Larry staring.
Her mission was to get to the bottom of whatever was there.
The cameras were set up exactly where Beveley asked Paul to do so at the weekend. They were nervous and worried about what the cameras might show.
Larry, too needed peace because of this. In addition to rarely eating and playing, he was not in good health.
The problem needed to be solved as soon as possible for Beverly.
The Cat
In addition to his wife and children, there were other factors involved. Their cat sat helplessly at the wall, stressed out over the last few days, as he watched helplessly.
It was causing Larry suffering, and he too needed peace. He rarely ate or played, which was unhealthy for him.
It was crucial that Beverly found the problem as soon as possible.
The Big Moment
The anxiety Beverley felt throughout the day was uncontrollable. Was there any hope that they would learn what Larry was stressing out over?
As Beverly headed to bed after dinner, she turned on all the cameras. As she felt a wave of nervousness consume her, she began to shake.
As she awaited Larry’s arrival, she lay still.
The Dead Of Night
The clock struck midnight just as he arrived. Then she grabbed her phone and watched to see if the cameras were active. The wait for something to appear was nerve-wracking for her.
It wasn’t until half an hour later that anything of interest happened. A soft footstep could be clearly heard by her.
The meow of Larry sounded low. A movement caught her attention.
Heard It Before
The strange sound caused her to sit up. Frowning was all she could do. She certainly didn’t think that was what it was, did she? Her ears became more accustomed to the sound as she listened.
A soft sound of footsteps could be clearly heard. A low meow escaped Larry’s lips. A movement caught her attention.
She wasn’t prepared for this.
Who Could It Be?
From their attic, cameras captured a man jumping down. Taking a step toward the kitchen, he crouched down. Seeing what she saw, Beverly couldn’t believe it. An intruder had entered the house.
She showed Paul the camera footage after waking him up. His first call to 911 was made immediately. For their safety, they stayed in the bedroom. When they eventually noticed that the police vehicle had pulled up, they saw their newfound enemy trying to escape through their attic entrance.
Paul immediately jumped into persuit.
As Beverley let the cops in, he pulled down the man. Several months had passed since the guy had lived in their crawlspace.
Despite his promise, he just wanted to stay; he didn’t want to hurt anyone. Despite being arrested, he was later released to a shelter after the Evans declined to press charges against him.
After reviewing the past few weeks, Beverly and Paul tried to determine if any other signs had been missed. Their food was missing, but Larry had been blamed for it.
Intruders took them instead of losing them, as they had assumed. Afterwards, Larry never sat by the wall again, and the Evans family saw him as their hero for warning them of the stranger.
Trying To Solve The Puzzle
After reviewing the past few weeks, Beverly and Paul tried to figure out if any other signs had been missed. Despite noticing that some of their food had disappeared, they blamed Larry.
It had been assumed that they had misplaced them, but now they realize that the intruder took them. The Evans family was grateful to Larry for warning them about the stranger living inside their house, and Larry never sat by the wall again.
Disclaimer: In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.