You can’t believe what comes to your eyes with these hilarious photos of cats

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Help! I’m stuck!

Sometimes cats love to get into small spaces. Who are we kidding, they love to get into small spaces all the time.

Help! I'm stuck! |
Help! I’m stuck! /

Today, this little girl came across the waste bin by chance and thought: “It looks very comfortable!”

Blair Witch’s Kitten

Even if you haven’t seen The Blair Witch Project, you’ve probably seen commercials and parodies of the film.

Blair Witch's Kitten |
Blair Witch’s Kitten /

And even if that’s not the case, this cat has seen it. Just look at how he decided to recreate the creepy scene with the face in the corner. There’s no denying that he has some serious acting chops.

No, thanks

This cat’s grimace clearly shows that she is looking at something she wants absolutely nothing to do with. It’s almost reminiscent of a young woman in a bar who is offered a drink by a creepy guy who has been trying to hit on her all night.

No thanks |
No thanks /

Dude, she doesn’t want that drink, just give up already! Just because she’s wearing a pink heart necklace doesn’t mean it’s okay for you to invade her personal space.

Click, click, flash

The dog seems delighted to be going for a ride in the car, but the cat, not so much. If looks could kill, we would probably all be dead just by looking at this photo.

Click, click, flash |
Click, click, flash/

This cat should receive an award for the most penetrating cat gaze in the world.

Holding hands

Life in an animal shelter can be tough for a cat. They are very territorial creatures, so they don’t like being so close to other cats that they haven’t grown up with.

Holding hands |
Holding hands /

However, on some occasions, they find other cats that they have good chemistry with and become friends. Obviously, these two cats started playing together to keep each other company.

I’ve seen things

This cat is trying to process all the barking, bathing, and being ignored by his humans when he craves attention at 3am.

He visto cosas | Getty Images Photo by Nico De Pasquale Photography
He visto cosas/Getty Images Photo by Nico De Pasquale Photography

He doesn’t plan on going back in, he’ll do everything in his power to avoid that situation… until dinner time, of course.

Dancing in the disco

Check out how this cat moves! Not only does he dance on the table, but he also uses a plate as a platform.

Dancing at the disco |
Dancing at the disco /

Maybe they showed the Meow Mix commercial on TV and he got so excited that he couldn’t contain his excitement.

Up, up now to the door

This cat’s owners didn’t open the sliding door for him when he appeared before them, so he tried to do something more spectacular to get their attention.

Up, up, up to the door! |
Up, up, up to the door /

She ran and threw herself against the glass, then clung to it with her claws and meowed until someone came to get her.

Tearing it apart

Sometimes cats need to let off steam by destroying whatever they can find, and in the worst case scenario, that means you need to keep a close eye on your back (or your toes).

Tearing it apart |

At best, they will attack their nail scratcher frantically, like the cat we can see in the picture.

How dare you?

Cats don’t really like bath time, after all, they are usually able to bathe themselves.

How dare you? | Getty Images Photo by DebbiSmirnoff
How dare you? / Getty Images Photo by DebbiSmirnoff

However, this poor kitten knocked over the bin and spilled some chocolate sauce on it. He didn’t like the aftermath at all.

Not Compute

This cat has been an only child almost all his life, but suddenly one day his owners appeared at home with this strange being.

Doesn't compute |
On the computer /

At first he wasn’t sure what it was exactly, the baby looked like his mother and father, but was much smaller and unable to move on his own. The look on his face perfectly shows how confused he was.

If you take one more step you will find out.

This is not a happy kitty. By the looks of it, he was actually an extremely angry feline at the time. We wonder what his owners did to him that upset him so much.

If you take one more step you will find out |
If you take one more step you will find out /

Whatever it was, it’s clear they have to make up for it. May we suggest a stinky can of salmon?

Human, don’t leave me!

Although they often don’t show it, cats miss their humans when they go to work. However, all they do is give you disapproving glances from a distance until you return with their dinner.

Human, don't leave me! |
Human, don’t leave me! /

Except this cat, who was willing to do anything so that his owner wouldn’t abandon him for the second time that day.

Rescued kitten

This kitten’s house was engulfed in flames and reduced to ashes in a fire. Things could have been much worse, but thanks to the help of these brave and kind firefighters, he managed to get out alive.

Gatito rescatado | VAKS-Stock Agency/Shutterstock
Gatito rescatado/VAKS-Stock Agency/Shutterstock

He doesn’t seem too happy to be leaving the house, but what cat would be?

Keep your paws off that ice cream!

“Don’t you dare touch my Ben & Jerry’s ice cream!” This orange kitty can’t stand this anymore.

Keep your paws off that ice cream! |
Keep your paws off that ice cream! /

He can tolerate his food being served a minute late, his water bowl not being spotless, his dog wandering around… but someone taking his ice cream away!? That’s going too far!

Rain, rain go away

Cats are known to be indecisive when it comes to deciding whether they want to be inside or outside.

Rain, rain go away |
Rain, rain go away /

They will hang around the door for hours if you let them, poking their heads out but leaving the rest of their body inside. Well, this cat ended up making the wrong decision on this rainy day.

Like father Like Son

I’m sure there are a lot of people who can relate to this cat. It’s a bit like New Year’s, when everyone talks about their eternal resolution to lose weight and your mother asks you about your resolutions, for the twentieth year in a row.

Like father, like son | Twitter/@naima
Like father, like son / Twitter/@naima

But instead of giving up completely, you head to the store to buy some snacks.

Wicked look

We don’t know who took this photo, but one thing we can say for sure is that the cat is in serious danger. This cat seems to be fed up with its owner’s antics.

Wicked look |
Perverse gaze /

Whatever they did to upset him, they better have a can of salmon handy to fix it!

Let me show you my surprised face

This photo is more suspicious than funny. Why does the cat look so horrified? That expression is not typical of cats… under any circumstances.

Let me show you my surprised face | Dia_rch/Shutterstock
Let me show you my surprised face / Dia_rch/Shutterstock

It almost feels like something is flying towards his position. Could it be that something broke near him and that’s why he got scared?

I melt!

Anyone who has a cat at home knows how much fun bathing them is. They love water! Just kidding.

I'm melting! |
¡Me derrito!/

It’s like they think the water might hurt them or something. It’s fascinating that they were able to get this photo, because the animal just kept pawing at everything!

I’m the baby!

This cat was used to his owners giving him all their attention whenever he needed it. However, one day they brought this tiny human home and now he is the centre of attention.

I am the baby! |
I am the baby! /

Like any jealous brother, he threw a tantrum. “What is this thing and why is it taking up all your attention?”

Damn, you betrayed me again!

Most cats don’t like traveling by car, especially since it usually means taking them to the vet.

Damn, you betrayed me again! |
Damn, you betrayed me again! /

This cat’s case is different. He has been going to the park with his human for years, hence the leash, but he was aware that that day’s trip was not for that.


This kitten’s owner is using him to teach his other two cats an important lesson.

Help! |
Help! /

Since he takes every opportunity to escape, they decided to leave this little guy outside on this rainy day, because you know cats love water. Next time he will think twice before running out as soon as the door opens.

Get your hands off me, hairless ape!

This human broke the golden rule and touched his cat’s belly. You don’t touch your cat’s belly unless you know for a fact that your kitty likes it.

Get your hands off me, hairless ape! | Instagram/@cosmillo_blanco
Get your hands off me, hairless ape! / Instagram/@cosmillo_blanco

It is one of the great rules of living with cats. It is best to leave the cat to its own devices until it decides to approach you.

Do not even try

This gray tabby cat’s face is a great example of a “sour cat.” It looks like he’s been fed something he really hates.

Don't even try it |
Nor do you try /

He tries to get the taste out of his mouth, but he still hasn’t succeeded, so he takes a shower to see if that will help him get rid of it somewhere else.

Not one step further!

It is clear that this cat was not particularly excited about seeing the camera from the start, and once it started moving towards him, it started to bother him even more.

Not one step further! | Alamy Stock Photo by Tierfotoagentur/R. Richter
Not one step further! / Alamy Stock Photo by Tierfotoagentur/R. Richter

With those little eyes he looks like a deer caught in the headlights of a car, the poor thing seems very scared.

Better than a five star hotel

It’s well known that cats have certain peculiarities, especially when it comes to food and deciding where to nap.

Better than a five star hotel |
Better than a five star hotel /

This cat has also hidden itself, and if it weren’t for the little ear sticking out, you would probably think it was some strange, very black exotic food on top of a pile of kitchen paper.

The cleaning is over

This cat decided that his owner had been spending too much time sweeping the house (instead of paying attention to him) and was forced to spring into action.

The cleaning is over |
The cleanup is over /

It doesn’t matter if the cat has a comfortable, soft bed right next to it, the dustpan is more than enough for it. Good job, kitty.

Why is there a child in my car seat?

It’s more than evident that this is one of the most adorable photographs in the world, this kitty’s lack of spatial awareness only makes it that much more perfect.

Why is there a child in my car seat? |
Why is there a child in my car seat? /

Even if they tried, they couldn’t look more peacefully asleep.

Do not mess with us

If we didn’t know any better, we’d swear it was a promotional poster for the movie “Revenge of the Kittens.”

Don't mess with us |
Don’t mess with us /

We don’t know who took this photo or what exactly he did to make the mother cat and her baby look at him like that, but for their own sake, we hope they didn’t get any closer.

I thought you had finished eating…

Everyone knows that cats are obsessed with boxes, and to be fair, this cat’s owners were probably going to leave the pizza box behind once they’d finished it.

I thought you were done eating... |
I thought you were done eating… /

But the animal could not wait any longer and, judging by its face, it does not feel even a hint of remorse.

I bet you can’t do this!

Cats are famous for their crazy stunts: they manage to fit into tiny jars, climb to insane heights and land on their feet, etc. They’re basically little ninjas, but this cat took it a step further.

I bet you can't do this! |
I bet you can’t do this! /

He decided that drinking tap water the conventional way was too boring, so why not do it upside down?

I swear I didn’t do it…

Have you ever seen a cat that looked more guilty than this one? Because we can assure you that you haven’t.

I swear I didn't do it... |
I swear I didn’t do it… /

Maybe this kitten sat on a pile of clean laundry in the hamper, or maybe his owners came home late and found everything in disarray; either way, he’s been caught and can’t hide his guilt.

Nothing is enough

Veteran cat owners know that any self-respecting cat will always prefer to drink cool water.

Nothing is enough |
Nothing is enough /

The owners of this cat tried to go one step further and bought a water bowl that always has running water. Unfortunately, their plan backfired miserably.

The best seat in the house

Cats love to curl up on the hood of cars, especially when it’s winter and the car radiator acts as their personal heater.

The best seat in the house |
The best seat in the house /

While most cats would quickly get up and run away as soon as any human came near, this one refused to move and went along for the ride.

Would you mind giving us some privacy?

Now that’s catching someone red-handed! We’re not sure what these two cats were doing, but we hope it was an act of love and not the tabby cat trying to strangle the white one.

Would you mind giving us some privacy? |
Would you mind giving us some privacy? /

To be honest, they both look equally mischievous.

The silence of the cats

We have no idea what’s going on here, nor do we know what all these cats were looking at, but this photo is pretty creepy.

The silence of the cats |
The silence of the cats /

It’s already disturbing when a single cat is staring at something that the human eye can’t see, but five cats staring in the same direction? What the hell was going on in that garden!?

The Great Escape

This cat was determined to escape through that window at all costs.

La gran fuga | newsony/Shutterstock
La gran fuga/newsony/Shutterstock

Call it determination, hunger (maybe he’d seen a mouse in the yard), or feline quirkiness, whatever it was, this feline wasn’t about to let a little thing like spatial awareness get in his way.

Tell me, how can I help you?

This yogi cat moves like a charm: not only does he have his legs perfectly extended in the air, but they are also completely stretched out, almost as if to keep his balance!

Tell me, how can I help you? |
Tell me, how can I help you? /

Not to mention, this furball chose the perfect spot to carry out his morning routine: his owner.

The window dance

This cat either has a strange belief that he is Michael Jackson moonwalking on the windowsill or is desperately trying to get into the house.

The Window Dance |
The window dance /

You have to admit that he is a master in the art of manipulation. Just look at those pleading eyes and that imploring paw against the window.

We’ll do it my way

This cat’s owners were probably very happy with the new food dispenser, thinking that their days of refilling the food bowl for their insatiable cat were over.

We'll do it my way |
We’ll do it my way /

But this kitten was too smart for this contraption; he found the entire mine and will never settle for less again.

The boss

If there is ever an official apose for cats, this should be it.

The boss |
The Boss /

This handsome cat is relaxing in what appears to be some sort of pot, wearing his stylish sunglasses and a cute blue collar. He couldn’t look any cooler.

I can’t take it anymore. Bring the car.

We can all understand how this cat feels, it’s obvious that he’s had enough, so he decided to put his face on the ground and call it a day.

I can't take it anymore. Bring the car |
I can’t take it anymore. Bring the car /

Although this cat was probably sniffing something he found on the ground, this hilarious photo couldn’t have been taken at a more perfect time.

Spot on!

This cat couldn’t be more excited about his selfie, and why wouldn’t he be?

Spot on! |
Spot on! /

Just look at that smile, which, to be honest, could also just be an evil expression of satisfaction after having managed to scratch its owner just before this photo was taken.

It didn’t bother you, did it?

We really hope this cat’s owner didn’t have an important deadline at work, because it feels like he was out of work for a really long time.

It didn't bother you, did it? |
It didn’t bother you, did it? /

Cats aren’t exactly considerate when it comes to choosing a place to lie down, but this one went a bit too far.


This sweet white kitty thought he could improve the kitchen decor by becoming one of them. While it’s true that he has altered the layout, aesthetically it doesn’t look so bad.

Centerpiece |
Centerpiece /

Now, spray painting it gold or silver might be a bit of a problem.

This is my laundry!

Doing laundry is already a hassle enough. Does this cat’s hissing mean that Mom has an extra load? Or are we disturbing her peace? We’re not entirely sure, but it looks like those laundry baskets are going to stay there until the cat gives the okay.

This is my laundry! |
This is my laundry! /

To be honest, it looks like a very nice homemade car.

Merry Christmas family!

It’s clear that this cat didn’t like the way this Christmas tree was set up. Maybe it felt poorly decorated or maybe it was too small.

Merry Christmas, family! |
Merry Christmas, family! /

Whatever the reason, it’s now fixed.


“Get out of the way, human.” “You don’t need this thread.” These are probably the thoughts going through this cat’s head as he tries to sneakily pull out the spool of thread. We hope he didn’t mess it up too much.

The Seamstress |
The Seamstress /

Too bad. Maybe they were making you a really cute cat hat.

It’s time for you to get up

No, human. Who do you think you are to sleep when you have to pay attention to us?

It's time for you to get up |
It’s time for you to get up /

This girl looks traumatized and will probably never sleep again in her life.

The cat goes in the bag

Milk, eggs, bread and cat. This is clearly what happens with a nightly run to the corner store.

The cat is in the bag |
The cat is in the bag /

We hope he had another bag because that cat isn’t getting out of there.

This cat is really cool

How the hell did this happen? How hot was it that this cat had to crawl into the fridge and make room for himself on one of the shelves?

This cat is really cool |
This cat is really cool /

This cat is planning on relaxing there for a while, just look at how comfortable he seems.

Speak now or forever hold your peace

If this girl was thinking of running away at the last minute, this cat made sure she couldn’t do it.

Speak now or forever hold your peace |
Speak now or forever hold your peace /

Come to think of it, it doesn’t look like he’s going to let her walk down the aisle either. I guess she’ll end up marrying the cat.

I’m fine here

Human, I don’t care at all what responsibilities you have, I don’t care that you have to go to work, you can forget about it. Later that day, John was fired, again.

I'm fine here |
I’m fine here /

If it seemed like he cared, we would care, but he doesn’t.

Looking to the future

Cats develop their “I couldn’t care less” attitude practically from birth. As you can see, these two kittens aren’t going to budge.

Peeking into the future |
Peeking into the future /

It also seems like they are planning to start a life together and invest in some property. It’s actually quite adorable.

“I was still hungry”

Sorry, folks. You’re just going to have to accept that this cat now has food for life and isn’t going anywhere.

“I was still hungry” /

This seems like every child’s dream, we would just have to change the cat food for candy.

Cat food

This doesn’t look good. We hope this kitty knows the implications of sitting on a pan on the stove. Looks like there’s a lot of seasoning behind him. He’d better run right away.

Cat food |
Cat Food /

However, from the expression on his face, he seems quite confident in his stance.

I’ll leave that there

This cat didn’t seem to care much about his surroundings. Even if he was sitting in the middle of some promising-looking cake plates.

I'm gonna leave that there |
I’ll leave that there /

We hope they threw that dough out. On the other hand, cat’s paw pie sounds like a tasty Southern dish traditionally served for Sunday dinner.

This is my new home

Cats are capable of finding the best places to make themselves comfortable, no matter how strange they may seem. This one seems to have been plopped down for an indefinite period of time in a pretty basket… or is it a decorative wreath?

This is my new home |
This is my new home /

With the intense expression on his face, it seems that without needing words he is telling the human very explicitly not to bother him.

An interesting hat

Getting out of the shower and drying your hair before going out can be quite an ordeal. Add to that a cat jumping on your head and you’re on the perfect path to being late.

An interesting hat |
An interesting beanie /

The cat seems delighted to have made it this far. This act is a great achievement, as it requires masterful balance.

Hood for cats

Cats are making their way into hoods, hats and head towels, here’s another wonderful example of this. This comfy hood is a great snuggle spot for this adorable kitty, and his human couldn’t be more excited about it.

Cat Hood |
Cat Hood /

She’s so used to it that it doesn’t even seem to bother her.

Oral hygiene is essential

Animals generally don’t have access to toothbrushes, so this cat decided to change the status quo and fight for her dental hygiene rights by taking the human’s electric toothbrush and brushing herself.

Oral hygiene is essential |
Oral hygiene is essential /

The result is clearly hilarious, as this sweet feline tries, with difficulty, to perform the complex activity of brushing his teeth.


It is more than evident that this cat is going through a bad time, he was forced to vent all his frustration against this poor sofa.

Antiestrés | RJ22/Shutterstock

Either that, or she really hated the colour they chose. We can’t blame her, it was a hideous grey sofa that needed to be reupholstered urgently, with or without the scratches and the exposed sponge.

A textbook saboteur

Don’t do it. Don’t do it. Don’t you dare… Great. This cat was maliciously mocking his human by hanging onto the charger cable that was suspended in the air dangerously close to him. Obviously and inevitably, he fell to the ground.

A textbook saboteur |
A textbook saboteur /

The kind of mischievous behavior that only a sly cat can display.

The underwear thief

I have a few questions. First, why is this cat so drawn to sneaking underwear out of drawers belonging to strangers? More importantly, who leaves their underwear drawer open so casually and doesn’t notice all the underwear that goes missing?

The underwear thief |
The underwear thief /

It’s very kind of the neighbors to return all that underwear!

The receptor

The perfect place to spend some quality time alone is the satellite dish, especially if unfortunately there aren’t many trees in the neighbourhood. It even seems to be part of the building.

The Receiver |
The Receiver /

Another possibility is that this cat is actually a secret agent and receives messages from beyond.

Not today

Were you going to sit down to work? This group of kitties seems to disagree. If there was a perfect place to demand attention and simply intrude into this person’s life, it would be on the laptop they use every day.

Not today |
Not today /

If there was only one, the situation would be easier to handle, but we don’t think there’s anything that would change the mentality of that crowd.

I need more pancakes

What is that? A plate full of maple syrup? Yes, I’m sure many animals would love to eat a plate full of sugar. But is it safe? According to the Internet, it’s not something they should be consuming in abundance (just like humans). This cute kitty seems to be expecting a pile of pancakes, even though most people wait for the pancakes before adding the syrup.

I need more pancakes |
I need more pancakes /

The cat would probably prefer a different kind of breakfast, such as sausages or eggs. Certainly a bit of bacon, if you manage not to eat it all before giving it to him.

Happy? Angry?

There are some cats that are very difficult to know what they are thinking. It is even worse if it is a Sphynx cat, since they do not have hair. Cats go crazy if they are angry or scared about something, but not this one.

Happy? Angry? |
Happy? Bored? /

He has a very intense look in his eyes. Is he annoyed by being in a flower-filled milk bath, or is he enjoying the relaxing atmosphere? Based on what we know about cats, we’re going to go with the latter, since this isn’t a blurry image of a vaguely feline-shaped animal running out of the room.

Please help

Looking at some of these photos, it becomes clear that most of the time cats don’t want us around, but the rest of the time they NEED us. Let’s take this tabby cat as an example. He was probably doing cat things (options include running at lightning speed or sitting quietly for hours) and then fell between a couple of couch cushions.

Help please |
Help please /

Humans wouldn’t have much trouble getting out of these situations, but cats don’t have opposable thumbs or a brain that big. That’s why they have us, to help them get out of the couch traps.

Before I was a cat

It has often been ironically said that cats are liquids, they can adapt to any container they want to sit in. What if a cat is a plasma, as we can see here? In that case, it is best to keep yourself at bay and let it recompose itself.

I used to be a cat |
I used to be a cat /

There are some cats who just decided to skip the whole austere creature of grace thing and instead retained the playful kitten quality for as long as possible. We just hope the cat in this picture is able to untangle himself the next time someone is wearing a hoodie.

Where will you be when nap calls?

Cats love to sleep anywhere, anytime, but sometimes they decide to sleep in completely ridiculous places. As we can see, this cat is hanging between the counter and the table, not seeming to be the least bit bothered by being half suspended in the air. He’s found a ray of sunshine and God knows he’s going to take advantage of it to take a nap.

Where will you be when naptime calls? |
Where will you be when nap time calls? /

We see a very clear problem: What will happen when he stops sleeping and wants to chase mice or feathers or simply gets hungry? We see it as difficult for him to get out of there without falling on his head.

Feline pull-ups

Cats, especially small ones, love to climb. If you have a cat at home, we assure you that they will greatly appreciate having a vertical space where they can move around and a corner where they can curl up. If you don’t have much space, you may not be able to provide them with an area where they can climb as you would like, but a mosquito net on the door like the one seen in the photo is more than enough.

Feline pull-ups |
Feline dominated /

Whether this cat saw a very special critter he wanted to examine or there was a fence he was dying to peek through, most screen doors are fairly easy for smaller cats to climb over. It also looks like the cat is in the middle of a series of pull-ups.

So this is how you do it

What’s so interesting about this orange kitten? According to this woman, every time she gets in the shower, the cat jumps on the counter and doesn’t take his eyes off her. Who knows why, cats do many things that, for us humans, make no sense at all.

So this is how you do it |
So this is how you do it /

Was this cat trying to understand the big box full of water? Wondering where the human’s fur went? Trying to save her from the water? He seems incredibly worried, no matter what’s going through his mind. But most likely he’s just waiting for her to come out and feed him.

The perfect place to be warm

While we could go with the adorable theory that these cute little kitties are sitting on their owner’s computer keyboard so that he’ll be forced to play with them, we know that’s not the truth. This is a warm keyboard attached to a heat-giving screen, which has probably had a pair of nice, warm hands resting on it.

The perfect place to stay warm | Flickr Photo by Mr Thinktank
The perfect place to stay warm / Flickr Photo by Mr Thinktank

These little critters are trying to stay close to a heat source on what can be a cold night. Also, if you look closely, you’ll notice that the laptop is on the floor, a perfect location for a couple of cats, but rather uncomfortable for any human to work on.

I will not approve it

There could be a thousand reasons why this cat is looking at his owner with that disgusted look on his face. He got out of bed late, he said something strange, he wouldn’t let him eat from his plate, he put his food bowl out too late… or too early. Cats can be very fussy.

I'm not going to approve it |
I will not approve it /

Actually, it wasn’t for any of those reasons: the reason this cat furrowed its furry brow is that its owner had to sneeze. We don’t know how this person sneezes, but if it’s one of those people who makes too much noise, we understand why the cat is upset.

Micromanagement by mini bosses

If the boss is looking over your shoulder, you better work hard. If you have two bosses hovering over your desk at all times, you’re going to be under a lot of pressure, but hopefully you’ll still meet deadlines. However, it seems that these middle managers are more interested in the little thing moving in the middle of the spreadsheet than in the finished quarterly reports.

Micromanaging Mini Bosses |
Micromanaging mini-bosses /

Maybe if they’re quick enough, they’ll catch it and its owner will be forced to cuddle up with them. Sorry cats, better luck next time, that mouse isn’t going to be so easy to catch.

You need to eat more meat

For many cats, the fridge is a wonderful, mysterious place. It’s cold, very cold, and there are all kinds of amazing smells inside. Meat, cheese, milk, eggs, butter, and many other delicious things are there for them, as long as they are able to open the door.

You need to eat more meat |
You need to eat more meat /

This cat has finally crossed the barrier into the realm of human food, but he didn’t have time to start chewing before he was discovered. Sorry, little guy, don’t look surprised, you’ll have to make do with the canned food that falls into your bowl every night.

Hey…This isn’t my sandbox!

Cats have a couple of expressions. That’s right, just two. Angry and surprised. This one seems to be somewhere in the middle of the two, but leans more toward surprised. There’s also a bit of a “you shouldn’t catch me doing this” expression, which tips it over to the angry side.

Hey...This isn't my litter box! |
Hey…This isn’t my litter box! /

Maybe the cat was trying to get to his food, or maybe he was investigating all the smells coming from it. Either way, he’s been caught red-handed and is now trying to blame the human who took the photo.

More or less like us

Greek yogurt is a wonderful thing – both humans and cats agree. Unfortunately, cats who eat too much of it can make a mess and even have health problems, so they should be kept away. This girl learned not to leave her Greek yogurt where her adorable cat could get to it – at least it’s pretty easy to tell if the cat has gotten to it.

Pretty much like us |
Pretty much like us /

A face covered in yogurt is pretty clear evidence of guilt. On the other hand, it should be noted that this is the same situation we get when we eat yogurt.

I couldn’t care less about your tree

Anyone who puts up a Christmas tree and also has a cat in the house knows that the two things go together just as well as bug spray and eyes. Oops. At the very least, hang the good decorations above where the cat can get to them. The most destructive felines will not rest until they have destroyed all the Christmas decorations, and this gray cat is a good example of that.

I couldn't care less about your tree |
I couldn’t care less about your tree /

Apparently, he threw away all the decorations and then made this face at his owner, as if asking if that’s all he had to offer.

You should not have done that

It’s a little hard to see what’s going on in this photo, but the explanation is simple. Cats love a new box, and that’s exactly what this cat is getting. He’s getting a new box to lie down in and make his own – there are few things a cat loves more. That’s why they get so excited on Christmas morning – it’s not because of the people or the wrapping paper.

You shouldn't have done that |
You shouldn’t have done that /

These are the brand new cardboard boxes. Big, small, long, square. You can create a whole environment for cats with these boxes. They will love it.

Don’t back down!

They’re made to arch in a certain way, but they can actually arch in any direction they want and still be comfortable, as you can see in this photo. A 180-degree curve of the spine, a bend to the side, one arm tucked into the chair and the second pressed against the person’s back, and there’s no doubt that the cat is perfectly fine and just looking for some attention.

Don't back down! | Twitter/@yoshi___ben
Don’t back down! / Twitter/@yoshi___ben

As long as the person sitting in the chair doesn’t flinch, this is little more than a silly cat photograph. We hope the cat is able to get its paw out of that slot.

You said you were going to stop buying board games

We all like to play a bit of “Cosmic Encounter,” but if you have a house full of board games and never get around to playing, we’re going to give you the same face as the cat. The long, dangling paw and the other one on the armrest of the chair make this cat’s disgusted face even more striking.

You said you were going to stop buying board games |
You said you were going to stop buying board games /

When a cat catches you doing something he doesn’t like and gives you a wonderfully contemptuous squint, you know you’re in trouble. Most of the time, it’s because you’re doing something other than giving him your full attention.

Cheaper than a patch

For some reason, this tiny, adorable black kitten is busy collecting lighters around the house and keeping them for himself. Is he trying to tell his owner something? Maybe he’s trying to bond with the cool cats who spend their nights in the alley next door. Kittens love to chase things, but collecting them is something very different, and specifically collecting lighters has to be something unique.

Cheaper than a patch |
Cheaper than a patch /

Oh my god, this cat is so adorable, it would be hard to say no to those big, bulging eyes and the featureless mop of black fur surrounding them. I might have to buy more lighters, really.

A little bit of personality

Every baker wants to add their own personal touch to their creations, but this one has gone too far – and, let’s be completely honest, three steps too far. This is bad mainly because cats don’t know how to wash their paws before helping to prepare a meal, not to mention they literally walk around in their toilets. Yes, they can wash themselves, but that doesn’t make it any more hygienic.

A little bit of personality |
A little bit of personality /

On the other hand, it looks like it’s the bottom part of the recipe, so it won’t be hard to hide it, plus it’s going to be baked… that might kill the germs.

Any port is useful in a storm, everything is a bed for a tired cat

One of the most famous feline facts out there is that cats can and will sleep anywhere they choose to lay their furry heads. This apparently includes a little girl’s dollhouse and the little four-poster bed in the master bedroom. Honestly, we can’t blame him – that cat looks exhausted.

Any port is good in a storm, everything is a bed for a tired cat |
Any port is good in a storm, everything is a bed for a tired cat /

It’s like after a fun night out with your friends, you’re all half-lying on couches and sleeping on dining room chairs and curled up on the floor. Why the cat would choose this over a real chair or something is beyond us. Maybe it knows something we don’t.

A bad purchase

As we all know, cats love to sleep. It is said that, in one form or another, they sleep between 12 and 16 hours a day. They choose any soft surface or warm area to take a nap, and that is going to change every time they need to take a nap, which means that buying a specific bed for them is going to be a purchase that may not turn out as you expect.

A bad purchase |
A bad buy /

Like in this photo, where the cat has decided that he’d rather sleep in a bag of Chipotle than in a big, fluffy bed with enough room to stretch out.

Banana and cat cake

No matter how many spaces you have reserved for your cat in your home, he will always find a way to expand that range. For example, maybe your cat wants to get into the bread pan you had almost ready to put in the oven. We can think of a couple of problems that can arise.

Banana Cat Cake |
Banana Cat Cake /

The first is that it makes the pan dirty and you have to wash it again. The second is that it teaches the cat that there can be fun things on the kitchen counter. If you’re trying to make something special, you don’t want cats getting in your way.

Sometimes you need a little privacy

No matter how many places you offer your cat to sleep, he’ll find one that’s impossible to imagine. In this photo, this furry cat has decided to curl up for a nap inside a wok on top of the fridge. It seems to be the perfect size for this furry friend, and we all know that cats love circles.

Sometimes you need a little privacy |
Sometimes you need a little privacy /

This is also an advantage because it prevents the wok from getting greasy since it is in a secluded place. However, you will have to clean it, cats walk around in their litter box, that is a mess.

Taking advantage of a bad situation

If you brought a pot to bed, it means two things. The first is that you just made a mac and cheese bomb and want to combine the finer things in life: naps and pasta. The other option is that you ate too much pasta and brought the pot to bed in case there’s a second appearance.

Making the most of a bad situation |
Making the most of a bad situation /

Whatever it is, your cat will surely use it as a handy bed to curl up next to you. Why do cats like small areas like flower pots or boxes so much? Science should start investigating it.

Don’t force it too much

Just like a short person walking up to the bar, this kitten needed a better view of everything that was going on. As long as he doesn’t get too fat, he’ll be fine. Cats love watching fish swim – it’s the perfect activity for them. They’re attracted to movement and that’s pretty much all fish do. They just swim.

Don't force it too much |
Don’t force it too much /

For a young kitten who is still learning how everything works, this is exactly what he needs. Just make sure you give him something he can sit on to watch the little fish swim by.

Can a cat eat a pretzel?

Cats love their food, and they love human food too. Let’s just say they love food in general, even if it’s harmful to them. We’d never imagined a cat getting excited at the sight of a pretzel, but here it is. It’s probably cheese-flavored, which is the best option for sure.

Can a cat eat a pretzel? |
Can a cat eat a pretzel? /

Of course, he probably doesn’t care which one he gets, he just wants something to eat. Better go eat your own food, you scrounger, these are my snacks.

Going for the gold

Everyone agrees: pizza is the best. In fact, in international surveys it is often voted as people’s favourite food, closely followed by pasta. Italians are clear: if you combine cheese with lots of carbs and oil, of course it’s going to be good. It’s even good for cats. As for the taste.

Going for the gold |
Going for the gold /

Cats probably shouldn’t eat too much pizza or they won’t be able to do cat things. Still, that won’t stop your furry friends from trying to grab a slice when you turn around. A small piece might be okay as a treat, but that would also encourage begging.

I need to write something down

Pens are very useful for humans, we are currently writing this article on an ancient scroll. But are they useful for cats? Not really. Unless they have figured out how to write without anyone noticing. However, this little cat lifts an adorable paw to take the pen from its owner.

I need to write something down |
I need to write something down /

Is this a ploy to get more playtime? Is he going for whatever is moving beyond his reach? In the bottom right corner of the photo, you can see a finger holding the other end of the pen, so it looks like he’s playing for a while before getting back to work.

Getting the most out of Gavin

Gavin Free of “Slow Mo Guys” and “Rooster Teeth Productions” has a cat that is almost as goofy as he is. But Gavin Free is a brainiac – there’s no way his cat could beat him at a mental test, right? RIGHT? This photo is from an occasion when Mr. Free tried to bathe his cat.

Getting the most out of Gavin | Twitter/@GavinFree
Getting the most out of Gavin / Twitter/@GavinFree

He knew the cat wasn’t going to be too happy about this, so Mr. Free took off his shorts to keep them dry. He left the bathroom for a moment and when he came back he found his cat sitting in those same shorts to dry himself off and keep warm. Obviously, the shorts ended up wet.

Climbing cats are specialists in creating chaos

Cats love to climb, that’s why people buy and install those furry cat parks on the walls of their house. For some reason, horizontal space just isn’t enough for these creatures, so you’d better provide them with vertical space before they make up their own rules of the game, as that often means they start digging their claws into places you don’t want them to.

Climbing cats are specialists in creating chaos |
Climbing cats are specialists in creating chaos /

This image is the perfect example of what we mean: it looks like the cat has climbed over the door and once up it has jumped onto the ceiling light. As they are usually bowl-shaped, the cat has taken advantage of the opportunity to sit down, which can not only break the light, but also the part of the ceiling that holds it in place.

Too proud of himself

Why does this cat look so happy? Does he know what the next winning lottery number will be? Did he predict that it’s going to rain? Is it because he just munched on too many corn muffins? It’s probably the latter. Some cats love to make a mess, and this little tabby is clearly in that group.

Too proud of himself |
Too proud of himself /

He grabbed a bag of corn muffins off the counter and wasn’t going to let a simple plastic bag keep him from his prize. Cats will do anything to get their hands on something tasty, including stealing and destroying.

Because I should…

There are some cats that you should just leave alone. This one, for example. He’s small and fluffy, the perfect combination for everyone to want to pet his head, but it seems that the animal woke up on his left paw this morning. He’s raising his little feline fist to give the person trying to pet him a well-deserved smack. We don’t think he’s very strong, but he sends a message.

Why you should... |
Why you should… /

Those steely grey eyes don’t go well with the slightly stuck out tongue, giving this cat a very cartoonish look. We’re sure that over time his features will evolve, but for now he’s just too cute not to pet.

I’ve found my new favorite place!

This cat looks like he’s been having a good time. The floppy ears, odd angles of his paws, and general destruction around him have all the elements of a night out with the boys or maybe the girls. The story accompanying this photo said that the owner woke up to this mess, meaning the cat had all night to wreak havoc.

I found my new favorite site! |
I found my new favorite site! /

In that case, we almost feel like siding with the cat, who was rather restrained in his mess. A few overturned objects, a spilled bag of biscuits and little else. Not bad compared to what could have been.

Gano yo

Well, I guess the game of Scrabble is over. Cats are famous for their ability to land in the middle of the table and send game pieces, puzzle pieces, and dice flying everywhere. This one decided to take a cue from one of the words on the board and squat down right in the middle of the game.

Gano yo |
Gano yo /

Even if the owners manage to get the cat to leave, we doubt he’ll leave every letter where it is. Looks like you’ll have to start a new game.

Here is your genius

So you and your friend want to spend a quiet afternoon doing a puzzle, sounds like fun. Of course, your cat isn’t about to let your plans go your way, and that’s where photos like this come from. Cats are made of paradoxes: when you want to pet them, they run away.

Here's your genius |
Here’s your genius /

However, if you’re busy with something, it’s going to be right where you need it not to be. Keyboards, pictures, homework, and puzzles are the perfect place for a cat who wants to sit. Please step aside and let us finish this magic carpet ride.

Are you working? I didn’t think so.

Look, we both know you weren’t doing anything important on the computer. Imgur? Seriously? Why don’t you just lay down for the next eight hours? At least you’ll get some rest. Here’s a crazy idea, why don’t you go outside for a bit? You know, where the light is shining and there are green things for birds to perch on. It’s just a suggestion, one that maybe you should listen to.

Are you working? I didn't think so |
Are you working? I didn’t think so /

I know I’m way more awesome than you, so maybe you should heed some of my advice. You’re not doing anything important on this computer.

If you come any closer, I’ll bite you.

The boy in the bed looks like he’d rather have the light off for a few more hours, though sometimes things turned out differently. Like someone having to take a picture of a cat that’s ready to spend the night on a clean white pillow. He’s squared up like a bulldog that’s been tasked with keeping a small child safe.

If you come any closer, I'll bite you |
If you come any closer, I’ll bite you /

However, the gap between the front legs makes it look ridiculous. Okay, now get off my pillow, mommy needs to get some sleep and you have to run around for hours.

Am I helping you?

Young kittens love a couple of things in particular. They love warm places, cuddles, and being close to the person who adopted them. So, if someone is trying to work on a laptop, there is no better place for a little furball than on the keyboard of that laptop. Of course, this makes it difficult for the person to get anything done, but the cat doesn’t mind.

Am I helping you? |
Am I helping you? /

Spreadsheets? Emails? Invoices? All of these things are secondary compared to a cat that needs to be petted. Unfortunately, bosses don’t usually accept this image as a reason for a late report.

The dynamics of family power

In every home there is a dynamic, mothers and fathers are on top, then the children and then the pets. Usually, once you get to the pet area, things start to get murky, there may be a big dog that has taken over the apartment, or there may be a kitten that has everything it wants, as you can see in this photo.

The dynamics of family power |
Family Power Dynamics /

Does the cute little cat want to lie down on the dog’s big, fluffy bed? Well, some dogs aren’t very argumentative, some won’t even notice that something is being taken away from them. However, something in this dog’s eyes tells us that he is fully aware of what is going on.

I’m just trying to fit in

It’s not too difficult to learn how to play Tetris, although experts play it at a whole new level. Look, even cats know how to play. However, it seems that this feline player has turned the T-piece too far and is stuck in a spot that will require some extra effort to get out.

Just trying to fit in |
Just trying to fit in /

From his face, we get the feeling that the cat seems quite proud of his achievement, maybe he finally managed to loosen a knot in his back, he just had to get into this position. We’re fine with that as long as he doesn’t get stuck and start crying at us.

Extremely relaxed

Cats are usually quite compact: they are usually curled up on a sofa cushion or crouched, ready to pounce on a passing pair of ankles. Sometimes, however, they can show off their full length. This cat, stretched out on a terrace railing, is sunbathing and resting at the same time.

Extremely relaxed |
Extremely relaxed /

Even the smallest cats are lankier than people think, with a long, springy spine and long hind legs. There’s a reason long cats have become so popular: they’re just so much fun to watch.

Trailer for the new “Alien” movie

Cats are like clay, they can be stretched and twisted into almost any shape they want, and this picture is a good way to demonstrate that. If it weren’t for the eyes and ears on their head, most people would have a hard time figuring out which end is which and which limb is which. Even with the head, it’s not that simple.

Trailer for the new “Alien” movie |
Trailer for the new “Alien” movie /

At first glance, we thought the back legs and tail were the two front legs. This wriggly little creature is having a good growth spurt, and he also has to be in the bathtub for some reason. It’s not a place cats usually hang out.

It seems like he WANTS to cause trouble

Oh yes, a delicious cake made for human mouths and not cat hindquarters. But what if the company cat, Allie, wants to sit on it, even though we want to eat it? Simple: we’ll put it where Allie can’t reach it and hang a sign on the snack dispenser to make it clear.

It seems like he WANTS to cause trouble | Twitter/@Yeefi
It seems like he WANTS to cause trouble / Twitter/@Yeefi

Allie was determined to sit on that cake, no matter where it was or what kind of signage was attached to it. Some cats are peculiar, just like humans, and maybe this cat just had a thing for sitting on supermarket birthday cakes. There are stranger cats out there.

A moment of guilt

Well, look what we have here, a cat caught ripping up the shower curtain. Honestly, we get it, we feel like ripping up the shower curtain sometimes too, and we’re only human. This little guy was going crazy, using those sharp claws and teeth to wreak some terrible vengeance on the curtain, when a human with a camera showed up.

A moment of guilt |
A moment of guilt /

The cat stood still, shocked that someone had witnessed his moment of rage, but it didn’t last long, then he plunged back into the destruction, jumping to make more holes. A good punishment would be to turn on the shower, but then the floor would get wet.

If they never end, I’ll be able to sleep in peace

A couple was working on a puzzle when one of their worst nightmares came true: they couldn’t find the last piece. They spent ten minutes searching the table, the box, the floor around the table and the surrounding area until they finally found it.

If they never end, I'll be able to sleep peacefully |
If they never end it, I’ll be able to sleep peacefully /

The cat had picked it up and it was nestled between its furry paws as it slept soundly. Why this cat would steal a single puzzle piece and curl up with it is another question. Maybe it just wanted to make sure the humans were having a good time.

There’s a hair in your salad

Everyone knows that cats like to take a nap in any container they can find, but this is ridiculous. This animal jumped onto the kitchen counter, found a bowl of mixed salad, and took a nap. It looks like it’s been there for quite a while: the lettuce is flattened out and the cat is taking up the entire interior.

There's a hair in your salad |
There’s a hair in your salad /

If you have a cat (or any pet, really), you already know that you have to protect the food you leave on the counter, and this is a good example of why.

The diet is not going well

So your cat is overweight, which is more common than you might think. Cats can become very sedentary, which means they don’t burn enough calories. Animals grow and you, as a responsible owner, start to reduce the amount of food you give them. Calories in for calories out, just like with humans. Of course, things don’t always go the way you want, which is why this little demon has trashed the house and is screaming for food.

Diet is not going well |
Diet is not going well /

Look at yourself, buddy, you’re wider than you are tall. They’re not going to give you any more food and stay away from those cigarette packs, that’s not healthy either.

One of the most extraordinary cat expressions in history

Cats love to chew and scratch things. We know this and have known this for many, many years. One thing that they are often attracted to is plastic things, such as cables and cords. In this photo, an owner is asking his cat for an explanation and a reward for a broken pair of headphones.

One of the most extraordinary cat expressions in history |
One of the most extraordinary cat expressions in history /

The cat, of course, doesn’t seem to notice and makes an absolutely fantastic face to prove it. It’s like the faces all the Dreamworks characters make on their movie posters. Yes, I’m here and ready to wreak havoc, you better get used to it.

A mix between a toy and a snack

Despite how austere and clever they seem, cats are creatures of chaos and destruction. If you have plants, they will knock them over, so this person decided to hang a plant from the lamp: to keep the cat away. You can see how well it worked (not really).

A mix between a toy and a snack |
A mix between a toy and a snack /

They were able to snap a photo, though, which means they now have proof for the ensuing lawsuit. Lawsuit, when it comes to pets. Sorry. An adventurous cat isn’t going to let a little distance get in the way of some fun, especially when they’re so good at jumping.

Oh, sorry. Was that yours?

The old saying goes that if the cat fits, the cat sits. It is usually used for containers such as boxes, bags or the like, but apparently it also works for breakfast. We assume that a slice of toast with cottage cheese and… also regular cheese will be relatively soft. Perfect for a cat’s tail.

Oh, sorry. Was that yours? |
oh sorry Was it yours? /

Of course, after taking this photo, the person hoping to eat that breakfast had no choice but to throw it away: you don’t exactly want to eat it once you know what was on it. Plus, cat litter doesn’t taste very good.


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