‘Chonky Cats’ Are Just Adorable Overweight Kitties

520 points

This Chonky Kitty Will Support You From The Sidelines

cat on lawnchair
Photo Credit: jbone1986 / Reddit

Next time you’re going to an outdoor event why not bring your chonk along too? They’re great on the food clean up crew and they’ll love all the head scratches they’ll get from everyone at the family reunion. An added bonus is that they look great in lawn chairs.

This chonk is ready to kick back, relax, and enjoy the summer event. Honestly, we aspire to be this cat with its positive attitude. You go and enjoy that warm evening sitting around a campfire buddy!

Chonks Are Made For Sun

kitty sunbathing
Photo Credit: Fatpanda140 / Reddit

Humans are similar to cats in the way that we all love a good nap in the afternoon sun. There’s something about that 4 o’clock hazy sky that just makes us yawn thinking about it. This chonk took a quick 5-minute rest and it couldn’t have looked more glorious.

Just look at that fur! Those are some highlights your hairdresser would have a hard time replicating. The way the sun hits this chonk makes her look so regal. Move over, we want to have a cat nap cuddle with you.

From Tiny Kitty To Fluffy Feline

two cats comparison
Photo Credit: Imgur / Reddit

We’ve all got those baby pictures our mom breaks out of the photo album every time we come home or we bring a new friend over. This chonk definitely felt the embarrassment we’ve all felt when his mom busted out the old baby pictures.

No, you’re not looking at mom and child — what you’re seeing is a major glow-up from little boy to big chonk. This feline became what he aspired to be and honestly, this progress story has won over our hearts. Move over Rocky Balboa, this sweet kitty has the best evolution.

Chonk At Grandma’s For A Visit

cat on grandma's lap
Photo Credit: TrickySkunk / Reddit

We all love a visit to grandma’s house. Seriously, where else do we get to see our sweet and loving grandmas, eat delicious food, and leave fully content and $10 richer. When Reddit user TrickySkunk’s uncle was staying over at grandma’s he brought his chonky kitty along for the ride and all parties were delighted.

Look at this true love between a chonk and his granny. Chonks only lay on the ones they adore and this grandma is just getting all of his love and affection. Oh, to grandma’s house we go!

Don’t Talk When This Chonk Is Watching Her Shows

kitty on couch watching tv
Photo Credit: TheGamingPotato / Reddit

We all have those programs that we rush home so we don’t miss. Maybe it’s Ellen, Oprah, or that steamy telenova. But the last thing we want to do is even miss one second because someone’s being disruptive in the room. This cat is like us all, so don’t disturb her when her shows are on.

Judging by her shocked face she must be watching something that’s a little scary. Maybe she just tuned into an Animal Planet special on golden retrievers — that would be scary

Can’t We Get An Elevator Installed Mom?

cat head poking out stairs
Photo Credit: ACanOfToast / Reddit

Anyone who has ever lived in an apartment knows that the worst thing at the end of a long day is walking up those dreaded stairs to our place. This chonk feels how we all do since its weary feet won’t carry them any longer to where they want to go.

Look at that face — don’t you just want to go downstairs and pick this fat cat up and carry it the rest of the way? We’re all here for you sweetie.

Chonks Hate Hospitals Too

cat yelling big boy
Photo Credit: Komplexs / Reddit

There’s nothing a chonky kitty hates more than the dreaded doctor’s office and we can all relate to this thought. Whenever we get a cold we just pick up some Advil and tell people it’s allergies to avoid the dreaded waiting room. This chonky sweetheart was caught mid-sentence as she told her vet that she was actually feeling fine.

Despite how much they hate it, chonky kitties should be brought in for checkups too to make sure they’re healthy. This poor girl was just shocked when they didn’t arrive at the tuna factory like her owner told her.

Tiger Chonk In The Wild

tiger walking big tiger
Photo Credit: Papichuloft / Reddit

It’s not only domestic kitties who embrace the chonk lifestyle — even big wild cats do too. This big tiger is as fearsome as he is adorable. Don’t worry, the reason this tiger became this chonky is because of a thyroid gland issue and not because of neglectful care.

This wild boy can kill with his claws and with his looks. He’s roaming the enclosure searching for a good spot in the sun or a new stomping ground. What a wild handsome devil.

This Sleeping Squishy

big cat sleeping
Photo Credit: j-a-m-e-s-h / Reddit

There’s nothing cuter than a chonk at rest. They love their catnaps just like the rest of their feline friends and boy, do they look great doing it. That tummy that looks like it’s made of marshmallow fluff is the only thing we want to lay our heads in right now.

Look at how cute this pancake looks sleeping! She’s all spread out in her comfiest bed and just enjoying her life being the adorable chonk that she is. Save a spot for us sweet girl!

You Just Woke This Chonk Up So It Better Not Be For Nothing

kitty woken up from nap looking shocked
Photo Credit: SpotsGoneWild08 / Reddit

Listen, living with other people is great…most of the time. It’s excellent when it all goes smoothly and everyone keeps quiet in the morning. But when someone’s up at the crack of dawn banging around the kitchen and disturbing your beauty rest that’s an issue. This fat cat was rudely woken up and is very upset about it.

That face is the face of a kitty shocked out of some peaceful sleep and is confused why. Listen, there better be some breakfast in bed coming or a nice tummy rub or else they’re falling back to sleep.

Here’s Another Chonk Sitting Because We Just Can’t Help Ourselves

kitty sitting crosslegged like human
Photo Credit: jawnquinn93 / Reddit

What’s better than one cute chonk sitting weird? Two cute chonks sitting weird! We don’t know what it is about this seated position but it gives us all kind of warm tingly feelings in our heart. We’re going to invite these sweeties to dinner because clearly, they know how to conduct themselves and sit properly at the table.

This chonk just looks all kinds of done with the long day they’ve had and we respect that. Kick back and relax little one, you’ve earned a quiet night.

Chonks Love Their Belly Rubbings

big cat getting big belly scratchies
Photo Credit: WowImAnxious / Reddit

A scientific fact about chonks is that they’re huge supporters of the belly rub. They’re always first in line at the store when they hear the belly rub is coming back in stock, and they’re constantly updating their social media with happenings about the belly rub.

We’d all be happy to provide a sweet chonk like this with a belly rub of their very own. This adorable fluffy chonk has plenty of belly to provide our hand too. The belly itself looks longer than the girl’s arm.

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