This Lady Owns The Biggest Domestic Cat In The World!

520 points

Say hello to Lotus, the Maine Coon pet cat the defies all proportions he is cute cuddly and and gigantic personality in every way!

Beyond the fact that the Maine coon cat is a giant. There is a history stretching back the the French revolution. Escaping royalty and ship wrecks. In the end a whole series of strange events leading up to the point of a huge fluffy cat being bread in Main. Thus becoming a favorite throughout the world. But do you know your history when it comes to the Maine coon?

Time to relax with my pet cat on the sofa

Biggest Domestic Pet Cat
Image Credit Instagram

Images are sometimes altered but if you think that somebody has done some Photoshop or other image manipulations here. Be assured these images are real. Pet cat Lotus is huge and even among other Maine Coon cats he is absolutely mammoth in size.

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