This Lady Owns The Biggest Domestic Cat In The World!

520 points

Looking Down On The World

Biggest Domestic Pet Cat
Image Credit Instagram


If you love the way pet cat Lotus looks but would like to see more pictures of him. Then you can see more pictures and follow him on his own Instagram page at this link

Lotus likes to look glamorous and also likes to get involved with his owner whilst she does her everyday chores. Maybe because of that and of course because he is not camera shy is why he now has 85,000 followers on Instagram.

Maybe you know this or not but these gentle giant Maine Coon pet cats are the official state cats of the state of Maine. They are gently giants but also known for their superior hunting skills when it comes to keeping vermin in check.

Check out these other contenders for the biggest domestic cat in the world.

Egyptians kept pet cats as far back as 8000 years ago. Some of these cats have been found mummified. Buried alongside Pharaohs. Considered a great treasure and a guide into the after life.

All domestic cats as we know them today originate from Felis sylvestris lybica. A wild cat from north Africa that first known example date back 11 million years. Accepted into human communities for pest control. Afterward accepted into families as a pet. Most modern countries have cats as pets now. They can survive in all but the most extreme environments. Most wild cats are nocturnal.

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