Innocent Cat Adoption Leads To Shocking Vet Discovery And Police Involvement

543 points

First troubles

Her mom was worried, since she didn’t sign up for this. As for Kay, she agreed to adopt him only because he was supposed to be an independent animal.

Could they have handled this for a longer period of time?

The summer was about to end, and the little girl is about to return to school in a week or so.

Kay’s daughter may not have been able to take care of her at night if her mother had not taken care of her.

And after the weekend she would have been back to her full time job.

In addition to this, it was not healthy for any of them to have this continued lack of sleep habit.

A solution

During the day, for a living the lady worked at a street food restaurant as a waitress.

It is a stressful job with long hours and a low salary.

Can they handle the care of a kitten that needs to be cared for all night long? She was wondering.

The loss of her job was something she couldn’t afford. She couldn’t afford a pet sitter either.

Mom spends the whole day trying to come up with a solution to the problem.

The mother has something in mind, but she decides to wait until her daughter wakes up before discussing it with her.

A bad spot

The mother serves the daughter breakfast as soon as she wakes up.

They have breakfast together at the dining table in their small living room.

Since she is a single mother, she cannot afford a large apartment. Consequently, she has to deal with noises in her apartment as well.

During her time eating cereal, the little girl talks to her mother about how much she already feels a bond with Kay.

As a result, the mother is now in a bad spot. She would like to let her know that she has decided to return the cat to the man who sold it at the market.

Returning the cat?

However, she also observes how happy and ecstatic her daughter is about the new addition to the family and how excited she is about it.

It is impossible for her to return him to him. It is not the same thing as ordering a package from Amazon. Her daughter has bonded with this pet, and she has become very attached to him. It is not just another toy that she will forget about.

Her daughter will never forgive her for taking away her best friend.

The mother is telling her daughter that she will soon be back at school, so she will need to get a good night’s sleep in the evening as they are finishing breakfast.

Calling the vet

In addition to that (the mother), will be going back to work on Monday. It would be best if a solution can be found as soon as possible.

Despite the fact that it is a Sunday and the clinic is closed, they decide to call the vet again.

In an attempt not to disturb him too much, they call him.

He was asked if it is normal for the cat to be so active at night compared to the daytime.

It is explained by the vet that cats are nocturnal animals. It is possible to train house cats to sleep at night if their energy is taken away during the day, but that would not be applicable until the later stages of training.

The conversation with the vet

The vet asked them why they didn’t send the videos. They then proceeded to tell him that they had forgotten about it.

During the day, the ladies take care of the kitten by feeding him and playing with him.

The kitten is so adorable. Even though he sleeps the whole time during the day. He is very adorable when he is sleeping.

Despite this, the mother is still very worried.

On the next day, the mother will be back to work, and they have still not found a solution.

They have decided that her daughter will stay with the cat on Monday. Until school begins again, there is still one week left. They will need to come up with a plan before then.

Monday comes

On Monday, the mother goes to work for the day.

During the day, the little girl stays at home with her new friend, and while she’s getting ready for school and completing her homeworks, she also takes care of Kay.

It was around lunch time when the mom, who was on her lunch break, called her daughter and asked if everything was ok.

In fact, the little girl is so excited about her friends that she has even forgotten about the existence of her phone.

When she picked up the phone, she reassured her mother that everything is okay.

Kay’s mother reminds her that she needs to take a video of her taking care of Kay to send to the veterinary clinic.

The vet response to the video

So when the right time comes the daughter proceed feeding Kay and clean him and she takes a video of it.

She is just a kid and communication with the vet is done through her mother. So she sends the video to her mother who sends it to the vet.

At the end of the day, she returns home.

The girl asks about what the veterinary said but the mother tells her he has not responded.

The mother cooks dinner.

Once it is ready, they sit at their small table.

But then, it is during dinner that something incredible happens.

Something unexpected

Suddenly, someone knocks on the door.

It is not likely that anyone will show up at their home.

At this time of the evening on a weeknight, who could it possibly be?

They have no idea what’s going on.

The little girl wants to open the door, but since there is no one expecting any visitors, the mother wants to go herself.

As the girl is eating her dinner, the mother proceeds towards the door.

As soon as she opens the door, she asks her daughter to remain where she is.

There is shock on the lady’s face. When she sees who is at the door, she cannot believe it.

The police

By the door is a police officer who is on duty. Nonetheless, she can see another police officer who is sitting in the car.

What did they do? What is the reason for the police showing up at their door?

These people live a modest life and are honest individuals. What could possibily police do there?

As the policeman approached the woman, he asked her if he could enter her house.

Despite the fact that she was still under shock, she let him in after checking his ID to make sure he is a police officer.

But what could they possibly want from them? And who called the police and why?


As the policeman enters the house, he is invited by the lady to sit on the sofa and talk to her.

He wants to ask her a few questions.

It is at this point that the mother requests her daughter to go to her room.

Firstly, the police calm down the woman, who appears almost to be having a panic attack, and tell her that she’s not in trouble for the time being.

The woman drank a glass of water, and she sat down ready to respond to the questionnaire.

“It appears so far that you have a cat” the police officer said.

Why are they questioning her?

But how does the police know that? And why are the police asking about a cat?

Nobody knew about the cat, as the lady doesn’t have a social life, nor does she have a family. There was no one aware of the cat except for the man who sold it and her daughter. It is very unlikely that her daughter will ever use social media since she is too young. She is wondering what is happening.

As a result, she responds, “in fact, I do” without understanding where the conversation is going.

After that, the police officer moved on to the next question.

Kay’s story

“I would like to know where did you get the cat from” he asks.

She tells the story of how on Friday morning, she took her daughter to the market and she explained how her daughter begged her to adopt the cat. How she could not say no to her daughter, and that they name him Kay..

But she still doesn’t understand what is going on.

The police asks her tell exactly in which market. How much they pay for him. And how the person who sold him looks like, to describe him.

Confused, she does her best to respond.

A kid in the apartment

He still hasn’t seen the cat, so he asked, “Is it here now?”
“he is in the crate in my daughter’s bedroom” she responds.

With a face that appears as if he saw a ghost, the policeman would like to hear that again
“there is a kid in this apartment?” he asks while through the window he calls his colleagues who enters the apartment.

“Yes, why? what is happening sir?” She asks.

“Madame, you and your daughter are in danger”.

She is really not understanding much.

“I have to show you something” he says, while taking out his smartphone from the pocket of his uniform.

Showing the evidence

He proceeded by showing a video.

She recognizes it. It’s her daughter and Kay.

It’s the video that her daughter took earlier during the day and sent her while she was at work.

She then realized that there was someone else who knew about the cat.

There was only person who could possibly have access to the video, and that was the veterinary who didn’t reply to it.

The other policeman meanwhile enters his daughter’s room. He asks the little girl if she is doing well before asking where is the crate. He then proceeded to take the crate and leaves the room.

It’s not a cat

Quite confused, she asks the policeman what is happening there. If they are in trouble.

The policeman replies: “Madame, we have been contacted by the veterinarian” “he says, “as you may have understood from the video you sent him”.

The policeman then says that it appears that there was a misunderstanding at the market.

He says, “The kitten is not a cat, it is not a domesticated animal.”

It appears to be a panther, probably from the southwest part of China.

“We need to take him with us, he cannot stay here”

The lady is totally under shock, her hands are shaking.

A happy ending

She grabs her daughter who understands that Kay will be leaving. The daughter cries.

“what is going to happen now to Kay?” the little girl asks while drying her eyes.

The policeman who has a soft spot for kids, explained to her that big cats are not domestic animals and should not live in an apartment.

“We will make him free where he belongs when he will be big enough”.

The girl stops crying. Although very sad, she understands that Kay needs to be free and live the cat life he deserves to have in the wild. Far away from humans.

This story was invented and it was for entertainment purposes.


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