Mother cat’s tear-jerking sacrifice frees baby from glue trap, watch his reaction

549 points

Mother cat’s tear-jerking sacrifice frees baby from glue trap

If you’ve ever seen a mother’s love in action, you know it knows no bounds – even across species. When a stray cat’s kitten got stuck in a glue trap, she did the only thing she could think of to save him: she left him on a family’s doorstep, hoping they would help.

The poor little guy was completely stuck, his tiny body covered in the sticky mess. He meowed desperately, his cries echoing the fear and discomfort he must have been feeling.

The family’s hearts broke when they found him. They had no experience with this kind of situation, but they were determined to free the kitten, no matter what it took.

They tried everything they could think of – warm air from a hairdryer, olive oil, even vegetable oil mixed with flour. Through it all, the kitten was a little trooper, seeming to understand that they were there to help.

As they worked tirelessly to clean the glue from his fur, the mother cat watched anxiously from a distance. You could see the worry and love in her eyes, her baby’s wellbeing her only concern.

Warning: The sight of this kitten stuck in a glue trap will break your heart, but watching his rescue will piece it back together!

After hours of gentle care, the kitten was finally free, his fur soft and clean once more. When his mother came to collect him, her gratitude was palpable. She trusted this family with her most precious treasure, and they didn’t let her down.

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