Guardian angel cat saves baby from falling down stairs

522 points

Security camera footage captured the moment a Siamese Cat, Gatubela, saved a one-year-old baby named Samuel Leon. The incident took place on October 31 in Bogota, Columbia.


It began with the cat hanging out on the sofa and looking down at Samuel, who was crawling on the floor. He couldn’t walk yet, so Gatubela had no problem getting ahead of him.

A colorful crib stood in the middle of the room, but Samuel was not inside it. He was exploring the place and was extremely curious about all his surroundings.

Cat saves baby

No matter where Samuel went, Gatubela kept a close eye on him. She was an observant cat who knew that inquisitiveness could be a dangerous thing, especially for someone so young.

At one corner of the room, there was a door that led down a flight of stairs which was out of view from the camera. Samuel started crawling to the door.

Gatubela saw where Samuel was going, and she quickly intervened. At first, she tried to grab him by the nape of his neck like she was picking up a kitten.

When Gatubela realized Samuel wasn’t a kitten, she went in front of him and pushed him back. She placed herself in front of the door to block Samuel from falling down the stairs.

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522 points
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