Kitten vanquishes human’s defenses in viral cuteness attack

528 points

Anyone who’s ever been graced with a kitten’s presence knows the irresistible charm of their warm, tiny bodies claiming your lap as their preferred resting place. For one kitten dad, surrendering to little Hinoki’s determined cuddling efforts was inevitable.

No matter how many times Hinoki found himself gently placed back on the carpet, he never lost sight of his mission. With a focused gaze and unwavering resolve, this pint-sized powerhouse navigated his way back to the cozy haven of his human’s lap.

Hinoki’s adorable antics were captured in a video that quickly went viral, racking up over 40 million views. His owner’s attempts to relocate him were no match for this kitten’s tenacity, and every time he managed to scale Mount Lap once more, hearts melted across the internet.

It’s hard not to crack a smile watching Hinoki’s determined little face as he zeroes in on his target. His tiny mews of protest each time he’s moved are enough to make even the toughest cat lover go weak in the knees.

The bond between Hinoki and his owner is palpable, a testament to the incredible love and comfort that cats can bring to our lives. As one viewer put it, “I would burst into tears, protect this baby at all costs.” It’s a sentiment that resonates with anyone who’s ever been chosen by a kitty.

WARNING: This kitten’s relentless lap-seeking mission will make you ugly cry from the sheer force of cuteness overload!

At the end of the day, Hinoki’s persistence paid off. Snuggled securely in the warmth of his favorite human’s lap, this little guy proved that when it comes to the battle of wills between kitten and lap, the kitten always wins. And honestly, who could possibly resist?

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528 points
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