Cats That Headbutt Their Owners Are Actually Trying To Give Them An Important Message

551 points

Cat owners and cat aficionados gather round, please. We have some important information to share. Some of you wrote to us saying how much you liked our article about interpreting cat behavior and we realized we had so much more to share.

More Curious Cat Behaviors Explained | Getty Images Photo by Nils Jacobi & Supersmario & Cyndi Monaghan & Thorsten Nilson/EyeEm
Getty Images Photo by Nils Jacobi & Supersmario & Cyndi Monaghan & Thorsten Nilson/EyeEm

So, after doing some more research, we can now proudly present another collection of meanings behind the weird stuff your cats do.


Don’t Pick Me Up

Though there are of course exceptions to this rule, it is a common trait of many cats to resist being held or picked up. Experts believe that this squirmy or even aggressive reaction to being in your arms stems from having not been socialized properly as kittens.

Don't Pick Me Up | Shutterstock Photo by Shchus
Shutterstock Photo by Shchus

Being carried or held is not part of a cat’s normal interaction, and they may find the action threatening. Let your “catwalk” beside you instead.

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