Cats That Headbutt Their Owners Are Actually Trying To Give Them An Important Message

551 points

Christmas Cats

Every holiday season, social media is full of funny videos of cats climbing or playing with Christmas trees. But what’s behind these hilarious holiday antics? Cats are naturally drawn to the smell of trees and love to scratch the tree’s bark.

Christmas Cats | Alamy Stock Photo by Magdalena Kvarning
Alamy Stock Photo by Magdalena Kvarning

Add in shiny ornaments, blinking lights, and shimmering tinsel and it’s sensory overload for many felines. But just because they want to play doesn’t mean they should — cats can electrocute themselves if they chew the electrical cords, and can break ornaments. The tree itself is a danger with toxic natural oils and sharp pine needles. Sorry kitty, you’ll need to stay away from Santa!

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