Cats That Headbutt Their Owners Are Actually Trying To Give Them An Important Message

551 points

Squirming on the Floor

Does your cat roll around and squirm on the floor as you watch in amazement? Is it under the influence of catnip, or is something else going on?

Squirming on the Floor | Shutterstock Photo by Alex Zotov
Shutterstock Photo by Alex Zotov

When your cat rolls over and squirms it typically signals that your cat feels safe and maybe wants some attention from you. They may be feeling very playful and your cat may also be marking the area with their scent this way, claiming your space as its own.

Cover It Up!

Everyone has heard of finicky cats. And some cats make clear their gustatory preferences by covering up the food bowl.

Cover It Up! | Shutterstock Photo by Sheila Fitzgerald
Shutterstock Photo by Sheila Fitzgerald

If your cat is covering its food after eating some of it, it may be an instinctive behavior as wild felines cache their food to keep it safe from others. Your kitten or cat may scratch around its food bowl after eating or even use shredded paper to cover it up.

Interrupt Much?

Is your cat playing E.T. and trying to phone home? If it is interrupting your time on the phone, at the keyboard, or when reading, your cat is jealous of you giving attention to these objects rather than to your fur baby.

Interrupt Much? | Shutterstock Photo by e-leet
Shutterstock Photo by e-leet

The solution is to give your cat more one-on-one time as well as interactive toys to keep it stimulated.


Cats can be so squeaky clean and graceful that when they fart, we often tend to laugh at such unexpected behavior from our fastidious felines.

Flatulence | Shutterstock Photo by TinaSova20
Shutterstock Photo by TinaSova20

Though sometimes comedic, cutting cheese is a behavior that you may need to have some concern about if it becomes a chronic problem. Cats can have flatulence for a variety of reasons, from anxiety to allergies. Yes, it’s normal for your furry felines to fart but if they seem to be passing gas more than usual you might want to check with your local veterinarian.

Countertop Cruising

Cats love lounging on countertops, shelves, and other second-story territories. The higher the perch, the better. That poses a hygiene and safety issue for cats who stroll across the stovetop. But you can’t stop this natural inclination.

Countertop Cruising | Shutterstock Photo by EkaterinaSid
Shutterstock Photo by EkaterinaSid

Pet cats, though no longer wild, inherit the instinct to seek high ground. They’re hunters, sniffing out and stalking that tasty butter dish but also prey. Finding the highest ground in your house offers a nifty lookout, far from the dog-sniffing and kid-poking range.

Toe Tucking

We all like to tuck our hands and feet under the covers when we are cold. Cats are not much different, they just tuck paws and tails–and sometimes noses–under the “cover” of their own bodies. Cats definitely prefer warmer weather, so the average wintertime household may not be comfortably warm for our kitties.

Toe Tucking |

Luckily, thanks to their lithe and flexible bodies, they can tuck all their extremities under them, leaving them looking a bit like a traditional American main dish.

When in Heat

Cats in heat display very clear behavioral signs that include but are not limited to rolling around, rubbing against anything and everything, restlessness, excessive vocalization, and demanding affection.

When in Heat | Shutterstock Photo by Faroe
Shutterstock Photo by Faroe

It can be an extremely tiring and uncomfortable time for your female cat. If estrus is hard on your cat, having her spayed is the best option. Not only will it keep your cat more comfortable but it will also extend her natural lifespan.

Always Stretching

Cats like to stretch largely for the same reasons people do: It feels good, and it increases blood flow to the muscles.

Always Stretching | Shutterstock Photo by Iuliia Ilina
Shutterstock Photo by Iuliia Ilina

Think about how stiff your body is when you just wake up. Now think of the fact that cats sleep between 12 and 16 hours a day. That’s right. They’re not moving for LONG amounts of time. When cats are sitting still or sleeping, their blood pressure drops, and stretching can reverse that.

Drinking a Lot of Water

Have you noticed your cat drinking more water than usual? If so, it may not be a cause for concern. Many cats simply enjoy drinking water or, like many pets, they eat or drink mainly when you are around so it’s more noticeable.

Drinking a Lot of Water | Shutterstock Photo by superbank stock
Shutterstock Photo by superbank stock

However, dry cat food might mean they need to drink more water to make up for the lack of hydration within their food. If you’re still concerned and wonder if it’s a bit excessive, trust your instincts and take them to the vet.


Most of the time, begging isn’t a cause for concern. Begging usually comes with the territory and they can be quite relentless! If you set boundaries, stick to a feeding schedule, and ignore the begging, you can successfully reduce or even stop the begging.

Begging | Shutterstock Photo by Andriy Blokhin
Shutterstock Photo by Andriy Blokhin

It’s hard to believe but it’s possible! You should note, however, if the begging has reached a concerning level. While an increased appetite is common in older cats, households with multiple cats, and active cats, it could also be a symptom of a medical issue.


Not to be confused with meowing, howling has a much deeper pitch. Some cats howl more than others, and if yours doesn’t usually make this sound, it might be a sign that your fluffy kid needs to visit a veterinarian. Excessive howling can often be a good indicator that something is not right in the health department.

Howling | Shutterstock Photo by savitskaya iryna
Shutterstock Photo by savitskaya iryna

This can often be considered a cry of pain, and it is important to schedule an appointment with the vet right away to find the source of the pain and trouble before it gets problematic.

Suckling on Blankets

Some kittens and even adult cats like to bite and suckle on blankets. This behavior is used as a self-soothing strategy in cats and has the same function as you see in some children who suck on their thumbs.

Suckling on Blankets | Shutterstock Photo by KanphotoSS
Shutterstock Photo by KanphotoSS

When your pet feels distressed or anxious, they might start suckling on a blanket to help them calm down and feel better.

Running Away

Do you find yourself reaching your hand out to stroke your cat, only for them to run away? Well, you’re not alone! Your cat may be feeling stressed, which is why it may suddenly start to run away from you when you approach.

Running Away | Shutterstock Photo by YuliaPodlesnova
Shutterstock Photo by YuliaPodlesnova

Cats can be stressed by a great number of things, such as changes in the household, new or moved furniture, or a new cat in the neighborhood.

Don’t Touch Me!

Some cats despise being held and maybe you’ve noticed that specific cats are much less clingy than others. The number one reason that cats may refuse to be held is a lack of socialization.

Don't Touch Me! | Shutterstock Photo by Alex King Pics
Shutterstock Photo by Alex King Pics

Cats, like dogs, require intentional socialization activities when they are young in order to develop trust and become acclimated to the presence of humans. If yours isn’t a fan of being held, there’s a good chance it’s because it wasn’t properly socialized as a kitten.

Hiding Away

When sick, some cats are usually more withdrawn and may like to hide, although this does depend on the personality of the individual cat. Some cats become more clingy or demand more attention, while others just become cranky.

Hiding Away | Shutterstock Photo by Martin Carlsson
Shutterstock Photo by Martin Carlsson

But as a general rule, cats that are sick will have lower energy levels. So, if you notice a change in behavior like they suddenly are hiding away more and sleeping for longer periods of time, it could be cause for concern.

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