‘Stray’ Cat Visits Girl Every Day And Then Tells His Friends

531 points

One day, Michaela and Coco were surprised when an orange cat showed up at their doorstep. They didn’t know if he was a stray but he kept showing up at their home so much that Coco asked her mother if they could feed him and call him Waffles.

Soon, greeting Waffles every morning became a family routine. After a month, they noticed Waffles had a collar on and that’s when they realized he wasn’t a stray at all but has a home. They approached Waffles’ owner and now they share Waffles (aka Max.) Waffles visits with Coco every day and at night he goes to his other home.

Waffles must enjoy his time with Coco because he appears to have spread the word in the neighborhood and now there are other cats coming by and hanging out in front of their home!

Even though there are other cats stopping by (and Coco has named every one of them) Michaela says Waffles remains “their main guy” and says he’s “pure magic.” He has enriched their lives in so many ways: Michaela has written a book, Waffles the Cat

, and she also notes that Coco is learning how to care for animals something that will be a lifelong lesson.

Through his daily visits, Waffles has brought joy, inspiration, and valuable life lessons to Coco and her family, proving that sometimes, the best friendships are the ones that find us.

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531 points
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