Experts Share 10 Cat Warning Signs That It’s Time For A Vet Visit

534 points

Cats can be curious creatures, but that doesn’t mean they hide all their emotions from their owners. These are some of the strange things cats do to show something could be wrong with them.

Cats will show you their behind when they want to communicate

The chances are that most of us don’t go around showing our behinds to others. However, that’s apparently perfect normal behavior for cats. Just like dogs, cats will smell other’s behinds when they first meet, almost like they’re shaking hands. It turns out that cats use scents to communicate with one another.

Cats will show you their behind when they want to communicate
Source: Shutterstock/Andriy Blokhin

Mikel Delgado told Inverse that cats use showing each other their behinds as a way to “confirm another cat’s identity” or “say hello.” If you approach your cat and they raise their tail in the air, they are showing you they trust you enough to welcome you into their personal space. So we don’t need to be offended if our cat turns around and waves their behind after all.

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