Experts Share 10 Cat Warning Signs That It’s Time For A Vet Visit

534 points


Cats licking their owners is an act of mutual bonding

You should feel pretty lucky if a cat decides to start licking you. Sure, their tongues are rough, and it’s not always the most pleasant experience, but it’s a cat’s strange way of showing they love us. Did you know that cats spend around half their conscious time grooming themselves? It’s very important to cats to ensure their fur is free of mess.

Cats licking their owners is an act of mutual bonding
Source: Shutterstock/Nils Jacobi

In the wild, cats even groom one another as a way to keep everyone clean and bond as a clutter. Many mother cats will lick their kittens when they’re born to clean them up and build bonds with their little ones. The same goes for when your cat keeps licking your skin – even if it’s a little uncomfortable.

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