Experts Share 10 Cat Warning Signs That It’s Time For A Vet Visit

534 points

Cats wrapping their tail around you means you’re loved

Humans have learned how to greet each other in all kinds of ways. It could be something like a simple hello or a wave, or we might shake someone’s hand or give them a hug if we know them a little better. Although cats are intelligent, they haven’t quite learned how to shake someone’s hand. That’s why they use their tails instead.

Cats wrapping their tail around you means you're loved
Source: Shutterstock/Sara Peterson

Cats sometimes link tails with other cats as a way to greet one another, especially if they are particularly close. The same goes for when they wrap their tails around someone’s leg or their hand when they’re being petted. It’s a cat’s way of trying to show us they are saying hello, and they are willing to interact with people.

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