Experts Share 10 Cat Warning Signs That It’s Time For A Vet Visit

534 points

Stretching out around people means a cat trusts you

If stretching was an Olympic sport, there is a good chance that cats would walk away with the gold. Psychologist Run Naiman told the Huffington Post that cats tend to sleep up to 16 hours a day – twice as much as humans. This means they need to stretch a lot to get their blood flowing and muscles ready for when they’re up and active.

Stretching out around people means a cat trusts you
Source: Shutterstock/Gutzemberg

That’s not the only reason cats stretch. They also get a rush of endorphins whenever they limber up, meaning they feel happy and comfortable. If a cat is uncomfortable or angry, they tend to make themselves as small as possible. This means that stretching out around their owners is a sign they are comfortable and trust everyone in the room.

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