Experts Share 10 Cat Warning Signs That It’s Time For A Vet Visit

534 points

A cat kneads people when they try to show their affection

The chances are that most cat owners have caught their feline kneading something once or twice. Not every cat kneads throughout their entire life. Still, it’s common for kittens to get their paws moving wherever they’re being petted. Cats usually knead soft things when they’re young, as it’s how they get milk from their mother.

A cat kneads people when they try to show their affection
Source: Shutterstock/RJ22

They continue this behavior when they’re an adult as a way to show their owners they love them. Do you notice that your at starts to knead you whenever they’re purring away and enjoying being petted? That’s because they’re trying to say they love you and return the affection. In fact, the harder they knead you and the more they dig in their claws, the more your cat is enjoying your company.

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