Experts Share 10 Cat Warning Signs That It’s Time For A Vet Visit

534 points

Sleeping next to their owner means a cat feels secure with their human

There is nothing quite like a cat nap in the afternoon. Perhaps you’ve fallen asleep and realized your cat has curled up next to you by the time you wake up? Cats love to sleep – and they need a lot of it to make sure they’re healthy and happy. So why do they like to sleep next to their owners? It’s one of the strange things that cats do to show they love us.

Sleeping next to their owner means a cat feels secure with their human
Source: Shutterstock/Pixel-Shot

That’s right; cats know they’re vulnerable whenever they’re asleep and often find somewhere or someone to make sure they’re safe while they snooze. If they sleep next to you each night, it’s all because they trust you and feel secure when you’re around. Whoever would have thought?

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