Experts Share 10 Cat Warning Signs That It’s Time For A Vet Visit

534 points


Rubbing their cheeks on people means a cat trusts someone

You’re sitting there minding your own business when suddenly your cat walks up and starts rubbing their face all over you. What are they doing? Showing you they love you, that’s what. Author and cat behaviorist Pam Johnson-Bennett says the more your cat rubs their face on you, the more they love you and want you to be theirs.

Rubbing their cheeks on people means a cat trusts someone
Source: Shutterstock/Volha Werasen

Cats will sometimes rub their faces together in the wild to try and share scents or get the other to scratch their favorite scratching place. This is the same when our cats rub their cheeks on people. They usually want you to rub around their ears and cheeks as the action is enough to release endorphins and help your feline friend to feel at ease.

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