Experts Share 10 Cat Warning Signs That It’s Time For A Vet Visit

534 points

Cats will hang out with people they like and want to be close to

You’re not imagining that your cat likes to hang out with you all day. Research shows they really do want to spend time with people. Researchers at Monmouth University and Oregon State University wanted to see if there was a link between cats seeking out human attention or if it was just a coincidence.

Cats will hang out with people they like and want to be close to
Source: Shutterstock/AveCamera

The universities took 50 cats from shelters and people’s homes and left them without people, toys, and food for a few hours. They then gave each of the cats three options. They could either get something to eat, play with some toys, or spend time with humans. The results? The majority of both shelter cats and house cats wanted to spend time with people over anything else.

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