Experts Share 10 Cat Warning Signs That It’s Time For A Vet Visit

534 points

A cat will greet their owner when they’re excited they’ve come home

It can be easy to picture a dog running up to their owner whenever they come home. What about a cat? It’s not an image that often first comes to mind, but it’s one that many cat owners have gotten used to over the years. Just like dogs, cats will run up to the door when they hear their owners because they’re excited their loved one is home.

A cat will greet their owner when they’re excited they’ve come home
Source: Shutterstock/Nitiphonphat

You might spot that your cat greets everyone differently. They are very intelligent animals, meaning they often know if a stranger is about to enter before they even get through the door. The chances are your cat could keep their distance or act strangely until they get used to the new face.

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