Experts Share 10 Cat Warning Signs That It’s Time For A Vet Visit

534 points

Purring can be a sign that your cat is completely at ease

One of the most obvious ways that cats show their owners they love them is by purring. No, your cat doesn’t come with a little motor; the purring noise is one that’s entirely filled with love and joy. Cats can sometimes take a few minutes of petting before they let out a purr, but once it’s there, it’s like your cat is wearing a huge smile.

Purring can be a sign that your cat is completely at ease
Source: Shutterstock/Impact Photography

The reality? This isn’t the only time that cats purr. Yes, purrs are let out at a low frequency, meaning they can heal wounds, bones, muscles, and tendons. Cats naturally hunt in the wild, but they don’t always hunt every day. Some experts believe that cats purr to ensure their bones are always strong and healthy.

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