Experts Share 10 Cat Warning Signs That It’s Time For A Vet Visit

534 points

Playing with your cat can help to build a bond with them

Several cat owners want to know how to bond with their pet. Experts think that giving your cat space and letting them come to you is a great way to show them you mean no harm. Playing with your feline friend is another way to build a strong bond. It might take a while to find your cat’s favorite toy.

Playing with your cat can help to build a bond with them
Source: Shutterstock/Natalia Lebedinskaia

Lasers, wand toys, mice, balls – there is no end to the number of things your cat could enjoy chasing around the home. It might not be long before your cat starts to associate you with fun and seek your attention. Behaviorists suggest 15 minutes of play is usually enough and to put the toys away to make sure your cat doesn’t get bored.

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