Experts Share 10 Cat Warning Signs That It’s Time For A Vet Visit

534 points

Slow blinking at a cat can often put them at ease

Animal behaviorist Karen McComb wanted to find out if cats really respond to slow blinking – and it turns out they do. Karen and her team ran two experiments, one that saw owners slow blink at their cats and another that had strangers do the same thing before extending their hand. The results proved what Karen was thinking all along.

Slow blinking at a cat can often put them at ease
Source: Shutterstock/Kleymenov Valery

Both experiments showed the cats were more likely to slow blink at their owners if they had slow blinked first. It also proved the cats were more likely to walk up to the strangers if they had slow blinked first compared to a neutral expression. Slowly closing your eyes at your cat could be all you need to do to put them at ease.

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