Experts Share 10 Cat Warning Signs That It’s Time For A Vet Visit

534 points

Letting your cat sleep in your bed can help them feel comfortable

Some of us love our own space at night. Others? They can think of nothing better than cuddling up with their four-legged friend each night. Not only can sleeping with your cat conjure up adorable images to many, but it can also help strengthen an owner’s bond with their feline friend. Cats love to feel secure while they sleep.

Letting your cat sleep in your bed can help them feel comfortable
Source: Shutterstock/masik0553

Being next to their loved one can help them feel entirely at ease while they’re at their most vulnerable. Bill Fish also believes that having a cat in your bed “reduces stress” and “brings warmth and comfort” to many owners. Even something as simple as listening to your cat’s rhythmic breathing as they sleep could be all some of us need to reduce our anxiety.

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