Experts Share 10 Cat Warning Signs That It’s Time For A Vet Visit

534 points

Petting your cat will build a strong relationship between you

There is nothing quite like someone scratching an itch on your back, right? It feels good, satisfies those cravings, and can be enough to make many of us wish it never stops. The same goes for our cats whenever we pet them or give them a brush. Brushing our cats helps to remove any hair or dirt that’s built up throughout the day.

Petting your cat will build a strong relationship between you
Source: Shutterstock/PHOTOCREO Michal Bednarek

It also mimics the feeling of their mom grooming them when they’re younger. This can help put your cat at ease and help them view you as a member of their clutter. The best bit? Petting your cat can also help to lower your blood pressure, reduce stress, and help us forget about the worries of the day.

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