Experts Share 10 Cat Warning Signs That It’s Time For A Vet Visit

534 points

Cats vibrate their tail when they feel excited

Even if you forget all about the rest of your cat’s tail movements, you might want to remember what it means when they vibrate their tail. That’s because it’s one of the strange things cats do to show they love us. That’s right; if your cat’s tail starts quivering, there’s no need to worry as it’s a great sign that you are close to each other.

Cats vibrate their tail when they feel excited
Source: Shutterstock/Pavlenko Volodmyr

Our feline friends will often hold their tail straight up in the air and start vibrating it like mad when they are pleased we’re home, or a cat they like comes close. Be careful. If your cat starts to back up toward a vertical surface, it could be a warning sign they’re about to mark their territory.

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