Experts Share 10 Cat Warning Signs That It’s Time For A Vet Visit

534 points

Cats bring their owners food and items as gifts

If there is one thing that many cat owners have learned to live with, it’s waking up to find a mouse running around the house. Believe it or not, but there are various reasons that cats could bring gifts to their owners. Cats naturally like to store food in safe places, which could accidentally be the back of your closet.

Cats bring their owners food and items as gifts
Source: Shutterstock/Peredniankina

However, if they bring a mouse or bird up to you, there’s a chance your cat is trying to show they love you. They often bring food back to their kittens to show them how to hunt, so your cat could be saying you’re a useless hunter. If they are house cats, you might find they do the same with toys.

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