Experts Share 10 Cat Warning Signs That It’s Time For A Vet Visit

534 points

Puffing their tummies at you could mean your cat is feeling playful

When you think of an animal puffing their fur, there’s a good chance you think they’re being territorial or feel threatened, right? After all, it’s often used as a way to make an animal look bigger. There’s a good chance that making themselves seem huge could be all they need to make something leave them alone.

Puffing their tummies at you could mean your cat is feeling playful
Source: Shutterstock/allgoo

Thankfully, your feline friend puffing their fur can be a strange thing cats do to show they love us. Cats often puff their tails when they feel especially playful and happy. Although it’s most common in kittens, even some older cats can’t help but show their playful side. If you’re lucky, they could even puff themselves all the way to their tummies to show how much fun they’re having.

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