Experts Share 10 Cat Warning Signs That It’s Time For A Vet Visit

534 points


Blinking slowly is a cat’s way of saying they love and trust you

Blinking is something we all do without thinking about it. At least, it is until someone brings it up. Cats blink for the same reason as the rest of us, but a slow blink is different. Cat behaviorist Mikel Delgado told Catster that a slow blink “involves relaxed eyes” and shows that “your cat is not worried.”

Blinking slowly is a cat's way of saying they love and trust you
Source: Shutterstock/Alona Cherniakhova

It’s basically when your cat very deliberately closes their eyes and half-opens them again. Mikel adds that slow blinking shows that a cat is “relaxed and happy” with the person in the room. Having their eyes closed means a cat is vulnerable to anyone in the room. If you’re lucky enough to get a slow blink from your cat, it means they trust you with their life.

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