Experts Share 10 Cat Warning Signs That It’s Time For A Vet Visit

534 points

Cats will roll around when they want their owner’s attention

Have you noticed your cat has a habit of throwing themselves on the floor and rolling around? It turns out there are plenty of reasons your cat could be rolling around. Some cats do this in mating season, while others use it as a way to mark their territory. However, if your cat does it when you’re near or whenever you come home, there’s a good reason it’s because they want your attention.

Cats will roll around when they want their owner’s attention
Source: Shutterstock/Xseon

Showing their belly is a cat’s way of showing their owner they trust them. However, rolling around all over the place can also be a way of getting their owner’s attention. Petting your cat whenever they start acting cute can accidentally condition them to start rolling whenever they want a little love.

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