Experts Share 10 Cat Warning Signs That It’s Time For A Vet Visit

534 points


A cat scratching your items could be their way of saying your theirs

Let’s face it; it can be pretty annoying when our cats scratch our favorite things. What’s wrong with their scratching post? Why do they have to take it out on all our furniture? While scratching is a way for cats to get exercise and sharpen their claws, it can also be a way of making sure their owners know who is in control.

A cat scratching your items could be their way of saying your theirs
Source: Shutterstock/FotoMirta

Our feline friends rely on scent to communicate. Owners often take the role of big cats in their lives, meaning they need to find a way to show them who’s boss. Cats have scent markers between the pads on their paws. Scratching something their owner uses all the time ensures their smell is all over certain items in the house.

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