Loving mother cat carries kitten to dad for some shared parenting duties

540 points

If you love to watch cats with their kittens, you need to check out this video. The mother cat, Kira, and father cat are learning how to raise their little one together. Kira always takes Meow, the kitten, to the father cat and allows him to care for the kitten.

Adorable cat

The mother cat likes to take the kitten to the cat house, and the princess bed is too much! The little one is just learning to move around on his own. Mama cat wants to teach Meow to walk and climb. This special family of felines is genuinely a joy to watch.

Adorable cat

Meow and Kira are so adorable together, and Meow looks like a miniature version of Kira. Mom and dad are such pawriffic pawrents. Kira chirping and trilling is so cute! Meow’s tiny squeaks and meows are too precious! It is so sweet how Kira goes right to her baby when he cries, as if she is trying to comfort him.

Kira licking and cleaning her kitten is so darling, and you can see her love for him. She makes the jump onto the cat tree, which is very impressive. The father cat does not seem sure what to do with his baby, but it is okay, as he will learn, and they are all learning together as a family.

Adorable cat

You can see the cats’ emotions and feelings about each other. Watch this video if you need a little cuteness to get through the day. This video will melt your heart like butter!

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540 points
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