These Cats Have One Of A Kind Markings

505 points

Just like humans come in all different skin tones, shapes, and sizes, so do our feline friends. These feisty creatures are made unique from others of their kind by the type of fur they have, with some of them having very funky markings.

We’re not just talking about the fur color. We’re talking cats that look like they have eyebrows, tattoos, and other weird shapes all over their bodies in such a way that you can’t help but think they might be photoshopped. Take a look!

This Cat Wears Its Heart On Its Face

This Cat Wears Its Heart On Its Face
Delores Albramson/Pinterest

This cat honestly looks like it has a heart sticker with cat features stuck to its face. The heart marking is just so unique and the best part is that the kitty has no idea how funny its head looks.

Is it a heart-shaped head or a normal round head? The world may never know. What we do know is that this kitty definitely wears its heart on its face for everyone to see; proof that cats do have a heart.

Halloween Must Be His Favorite Day Of The Year

The Punisher's Number One Fan
Funny Movies memes/Pinteres

The marking on this cat is trying to tell us one of two things. One, he is world’s biggest fan of Halloween. Or, two, he is the grim reaper and is here to collect the souls of the lowly humans who have graciously adopted him.

Even though we hope it’s the first, we’d bet money that our second hypothesis is correct. He just looks way too smug to be a fan of, well, anything.

If He Could Talk, It’d Be With A British Accent

If He could Talk, It'd Be With A British Accent

We’re going to put it on record that it is not fair that this cat is permanently fancy. Most people have to use a ridiculous amount of gel to make their mustaches curl perfectly like that.

Along with the coloring of his fur, he looks like he just stepped out for afternoon tea with the Queen. If cats could talk, this one would definitely be sporting a British accent while lifting one pinky in the air sipping tea.

This Cat That Could Be A Tiger

This Cat That Could Be A Tiger
Jeanette Unland/Pinterest

Most cats believe that they are bigger and fiercer than they actually are. This cat, on the other hand, doesn’t have to worry about making people believe he’s a tiger because he most certainly looks like one with those crazy stripe markings.

His paw extension, elongating his claws while lying down is also a bit menacing. We hope the kitty doesn’t realize that he looks like a ferocious predator from the jungle. It might go to his head.


Barbra Shoup/Pinterest

Hopefully, this cat didn’t get made fun of for having four-eyes like those kids that wore glasses in the 90s. His markings are so odd we’re having a hard time looking at his actual eyes.

It seems like he knows that no one is actually looking at him, too. His facial expression screams, “uh, Susan, my eyes are down here.” At least having permanent alien eyes makes it so his humans never have to worry about getting him into a costume for Halloween!

Clay Fingerpainting Or Actual Markings

Clay Fingerpainting Or Actual Markings
Cat Lovers Community/Pinterest

So, either this cat is extremely artistic and was able to paint what looks like tattoo bands, a face triangle, and paw prints on his arms and stomach, or he was born with the coolest markings ever.

Although we know these are his actual markings, we can’t help but think he went to a pond and decided to fingerpaint on his fur with some wet clay. The orangey-brown color is almost identical to the mineral, after all!

A Permanent Cat Ear Headband

A Permanent Cat Ear Headband

This sweet kitty seems to have been shopping in an eight-year-old’s closet if that black cat ear headband is any indication. It’s such a strange marking to have an entirely white face and then black ears and “sideburns.” It makes the kitty look like they are forever wearing a fashion accessory.

Unfortunately, it is also making us wonder what the cat looks like without the black ears — a very strange sight. To give you an idea, it looks like a floating fuzzy white head with green eyes.

Fur-ever Surprised

Fur-ever Surprised

At first glance, this kitty looks to be very startled about something. Their human probably threw away the rest of the catnip or something. If you look again, it still looks like they’re surprised. We’re here to tell you that the little dark patch under his nose is actually fur and not the inside of its mouth!

Right?! You’re probably the one in shock now. Our fuzzy friend here is in a permanent state of awe which his big eyes aren’t helping temper down.

Cat Burglar

Cat Burglar
Sheria Kouri/Pinterest

This human best lock up all their valuables because they have a cat burglar in the family! Yes, bad joke, but it is also completely true. This cat’s strange markings have him sporting a black mask that is pretty similar to that of a masked thief.

We guess he kind of looks like one of the superheroes from The Incredibles, too. Only, he’s a cat, so a burglar seems a bit more likely then him wanting to save innocent people.

Everything Is An Exclamation When This Cat Is Around!

Everything Is An Exclamation When This Cat Is Around!
Amy Plassman/Pinterest

How does one get the lucky draw of the lottery and wind up with an exclamation on their backside? And to further that question, how is it that it’s a cat? They are literally one of the least excited animals that one can have as a pet.

They are sneaky and are most likely plotting their “within-the-home” home take invasion. Something that probably will result in casualties, if the cat has anything to say about it. We guess that’s cause for excitement though. Well, at least on the cats part.

Someone Needs To Teach This Cat How-To Shave

Someone Needs To Teach This Cat How-To Shave

It looks like someone woke up with a five o’clock shadow. We’d say that this fuzzball needs to be taught how to shave his fur but he may just look cute with the scruff. You wouldn’t want to shave away his old man look, anyway. It’s way too perfect of a look with his puckered-up mouth.

All he needs now is how coffee, bagel with catnip, and maybe a newspaper to tear up. Because let’s face it, he’s still a cat.

Who Says Only Hipsters Can Get Ankle Tats

Who Says Only Hipsters Can Get Ankle Tats
Linda Gray/Pinterest

Can we just say that, aside from the mustache cat, this is one of the more hipster cats out there? This white kitty literally has two heart-shaped tattoos on each of their front paw ankles. What would have been very cute in the earlier years of the 2000s now just makes this one a basic cat.

All she needs now is a pumpkin spice latte, a fall scarf, big sunglasses, and maybe a nice floppy hat for no reason other than “fashion.”

The Kitten With The Grandma Hair

The Kitten With The Grandma Hair
flikir dottop/Pinterest

Of course, it’s a kitten that is sporting the middle-part grandma hair. Note how, aside from its tail, there is literally nothing else that is black on this little feline. It’s almost like a granny was reincarnated into this kitten in order to continue talking too loudly because they don’t think anyone can hear them.

Or, in a cat’s case, meow until people can’t stand it anymore. It’s okay though, you go on with your cat-self grandma.

A Permanent Monkey Hug

A Permanent Monkey Hug
debby baker/Pinterest

Even if no one gives this cat the number of hugs he deserves, it doesn’t matter. He has a permanent companion that has his back at all times, literally. This kitty’s funky marking is in the very distinct shape of a monkey, down to the right arm that is swung around to grab the top of the cat’s head.

This is the type of friend everyone needs. Only, maybe with a real thing and not something that is already part of your body.

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