Rosie, The World’s Oldest Cat, Dies At 33

507 points

Rosie was born in 1991 and held the unofficial title of “world’s oldest cat” as the current holder is Flossie, a 28-year-old cat from Kent.

Rosie, The World's Oldest Cat, Dies At 33
In June, Rosie turned 33 and died at the equivalent age of 152 in human years.

Rosie, the world’s oldest cat, is dead. Her owner Lila Brisset recently bid farewell to Rosie, the fluffy tortoiseshell cat believed to be the oldest in the world. The cat died at the age of 33 in her owner’s home in Norwich UK, according to a report in the New York Post.

Rosie was born in 1991 and held the unofficial title of “world’s oldest cat” as the current holder is Flossie, a 28-year-old cat from Kent. In June, Rosie turned 33 and died at the equivalent age of 152 in human years.

Lila, who had adopted Rosie when she was a kitten, said, “I miss her so much. She wasn’t very well and one day she just walked into the hallway of the house, laid down and passed away. There were lots of good memories though and I’m happy we had our time together.”

After giving up the outside life, Rosie slept near the window during the later years of her life. The cat was supposed to go to a different family but the family realised that their daughter was allergic. Enter Lila, a widow who had previously rescued a stray dog and another cat.

According to the New York Post, Lila had previously shared, “She’s quite a character. Rosie sleeps by the window all day and, like clockwork, she will have some food and use the litter tray.”

She continued, “There’s no need for an alarm clock. All she does is eat, sleep, use the litter tray and repeat. I often have to check if she’s still alive and breathing. I’m worried about the day she crosses over the rainbow bridge. She’ll leave a big void. I’ll miss her when she goes. But I’ll never have her put down.”

As of now, Creme Puff of Austin, Texas holds the record for being the oldest cat that ever lived. Born on August 3, 1967, she survived until August 6, 2005, for 38 years and 3 days.

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