Russia’s 17-Kg Cat: The Shocking Tale Of A Whiskey-Fueled Cat!

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A cat named Kroshik, weighing an astonishing 17 kilograms, was recently rescued from a hospital basement in Perm, Russia.

The feline, too heavy to walk, is now on a strict diet and undergoing rehabilitation at Matroskin Shelter.

Kroshik’s Unusual Journey

The name “Kroshik” translates to “Crumbs” in English, reflecting his love for snacks. Hospital workers fed him bread crackers, soup, whiskey, and meat until he became immobile. Abandoned by previous owners, Kroshik’s weight ballooned due to this steady diet.

When found, Kroshik was so overweight that vets couldn’t perform an ultrasound because the sensor couldn’t penetrate his fat layers. This extreme case of overfeeding led the shelter to call it “an extremely rare case” on Instagram.

Rehabilitation Efforts

Matroskin Shelter shared that Kroshik is undergoing a special rehabilitation program. This includes hydrotherapy and kinesiotherapy three to four times a week. A video posted by the shelter shows Kroshik making progress on a water treadmill.

“The little one will have a long and thorough recovery,” the shelter stated. “He could be one of the top 5 fattest cats in the world,” they added. The goal is for him to regain full mobility through physical therapy and a strict diet.

Despite his condition, Kroshik is slowly regaining the use of his legs. His journey highlights the importance of proper pet care and the consequences of overfeeding.

Kroshik’s story serves as a reminder of how excessive feeding can harm pets. His ongoing recovery at Matroskin Shelter aims to restore his health and mobility.

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